Today when I was mowing my lawn, something hit me that has never occurred to me before.
I am proud of myself.
I have had many learning experiences in all aspects of my life since I have moved into this house. I have overcome them all. With what I think are brilliant results.
I have turned a broken, not totally functioning house, into someone’s perfect home. Everything works, looks great and feels comfortable.
I have built cupboards, layed flooring, painted a thousand different things inside and out…I even built the kitchen windowsill…all by myself, with no help or supervision of any kind…and it is really nice!!!!
As I drove around the yard mowing, through the girlie tears that were trying to sweat from my eyes, I looked around at all I had done.
The trees I lovingly planted, the food I eat every day, the lawn I keep beautiful.
I feel like am not grateful enough on a day to day basis for all that I have, or the fact I am lucky enough to be able to maintain it.
Today I truly am grateful.
99% of the people in this world, will never be lucky enough to live in a house like this, with a yard this great.
To grow their own food…to be woken up by a bear on the porch, or be annoyed by a deer eating their flowers.
How this single mom with two teenage boys pulled it off, is way beyond me…
It really boggles my mind.
Why the Universe picked me for the job, I haven’t a clue, but I am sure glad it did.
I have proven to myself over and over again, sometimes after getting up off the ground from crying for an hour mind you, but still…I now know, I can do it, I can look after myself and my family. Mostly because I had no choice, but alot because I KNEW I could do it.
I can fix things, I can paint, I can build, I can grow…I can survive and thrive.
Making a house a home, is something I love to do, and I have done that here…even though I have had to buck the tide the entire way. I have said over and over again that it was a mistake to buy this house.
I was wrong.
It was invaluable for me to buy this house. The second I walked in the front door of this place, way before I really knew it would be mine for sure, I felt like I was home.
I still do.
But now, it is time for me to move on, my work here is nearly done. I have a couple of little jobs to finish off, and then I will be ready for my next big adventure.
I will move on more grateful, with no regrets, remorse or negativity.
It is time for this chapter to end and a new one to begin…
To be continued…