The No List

Posted on the 05 November 2013 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

I’m jumping on the No List train today.  Basically, it’s a list of things I’m not crazy about that other people may be. It’s fun to see what others don’t like or “get” in a world of crazes.

So, here’s my list. They’re not all dislikes, but also things I just don’t understand and can’t be bothered to investigate. (Ignorance is bliss?)

Wine. It tastes like feet.
Kale or quinoa. It tastes awful.
Juicing. (Produce, not Lance Armstrong-style) Why not just eat an apple? Or a carrot?
Pumpkin Spiced Lattes.
Mad Men, Breaking Bad, or Game of Thrones.
The ChiveKeep calm and what?
Pointy fingernails. I don’t do my nails on a normal basis as it is, but having cat-like claws? No thanks.
50 Shades of Grey.
The smell of them bugs me and the pollen gets everywhere.

Of course, I’m not judging anyone who likes any of the things mentioned above. This is just my list of things that aren’t for me.

What’s on yours?