When most of us refer to God, we are either referring to an idol, a picture, sometimes a lamp lit with oil in it, or a candle or a burning flame or something material. At times, the broadminded among us identify God with a tree, a flower, a butterfly or something similar. But the more important question is this – what is it that makes us identify God the way we do? Who is it that teaches us to identify God as such?
It is our mind, our consciousness, which teaches us so. It is our mind which interprets a particular idol, a specific picture, a commonly used symbol such as a lamp or candle or a flame as God. Does it really mean that God exists in that particular material thing, maybe it does, maybe it does not. But what matters is that our mind believes that it does.
What is critical here is that the mind does not create God for you, what it does is just associate God with something that already exists. The material object already exists in your life and the mind just assists you with identifying and associating God with it.
Now that it has been established that it is indeed your mind which perceives God in some material object of your choosing, we all need to train ourselves to expand our horizons. We should put in efforts to ensure that we associate God with everything we see. If we train our mind, exercise our senses in this regard, then we will truly see God everywhere and in everything.
We will then start identifying God everywhere around us, we will start seeing the earth as God, the moon as God, the sun as God, the oceans as God, nature as God and the endless space as God. And what better joy can one have than being with God all the time.
This post has been written for The Write Tribe : Hemingway This Wednesday prompt where we had to use one of the famous author’s quotes “There’s no one thing that’s true. It’s all true” from For Whom the Bell Tolls.
While my post doesn’t necessarily use the quote verbatim, I would like to believe that the concept presented regarding seeing God everywhere is an apt analogy given that there is no “one true God” given that God is everywhere. The entire world is a manifestation of the “all true” God, isn’t it.