The Ordinary Moments #2 - Switching Off

Posted on the 12 January 2016 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog
I'm realty starting to see the importance of 'switching off' and being able to focus on one thing rather than a dozen. I often feel that my head has just far too many tabs open and I rarely know where to start with them all. It's like even when I do get some spare time, I'll waste so much time flapping about all the open tabs, that I never actually get to close any of them down. It makes my head spin and distorts my judgment. I think sometimes it can be a bit of an downward spiral, a very unproductive downward spiral. 
I'm learning that the best way to be productive is to have a clear mind. The clearer my mind, the more tabs I can quickly close down. And whilst like most adults, especially most parents, the 'tabs' or the check lists will never be cleared, making a dent at least, can make you feel so much better.
It perhaps sounds a bit strange that to get things done, I almost need to stop doing. I've always been one for doing too much, filling my head up with way too many things and rather than having the effect that I want it to (getting more things done, faster) it just leaves me in a spin. 
I'm learning that I have to mentally or even physically walk away from things to focus on what needs my focus. It's about prioritising too and knowing as well as accepting that it's OK for not everything to get done in a day or sometimes even longer or even at all. I guess with this, I'm also learning some patience - something being a Mum has helped me to learn the meaning of too. 

We've recently shuffled our routine about a bit and we now have an entire day totally 'off' together. With Adam posting his LEGO orders out every week day, it's something that we didn't have before so I'm excited to be able to take a day from the week and simply call it our own. It's a time where we totally forget about anything work related, turning off notifications and keeping our phones and such at bay. It's a day for us - a day for focusing on what and who really matters, a day to switch off and let our brains re-charge a little.
Because whilst I know that it's important to work, I also know that it's just important to sometimes not!