At the end of last month, on 26th July, we headed back to Liverpool for the week for a very special occasion....at 4 months old we finally got around to having Noah christened! I say finally...I know most people tend to wait until their babies are a little older these days but we had Tyne's Christening when he was 4 weeks old and I had wanted to have Noah's done at a young age too, but due to living away this time and recovering from the birth etc it just didn't happen as quickly as I would have liked.
This meant that he wasn't able to wear Tyne's Christening suit like i'd wanted him to as it was much too small, but in the end it all worked out well as it turned out that the normal vicar at the local village church was once again away on sabbatical just as she had been when Tyne was Christened...which meant the stand in vicar was the same one who had Christened 2 years ago!

Because Noah wasn't able to wear Tyne's suit, I decided I wanted to go for something completely different instead.
For the Christening cake we wanted a Noah's Ark as it just seemed so fitting! We used the same cakemaker who did Tyne's 2nd Birthday cake earlier this year as we were really happy with her work, and we loved the cake she produced for us.
One of the nicest parts for me was that two very special friends traveled a long way especially for the event - I'm not sure if people are familiar with online pregnancy forums and if it's something everybody uses or not but when I was pregnant with Tyne I joined one, and joined in with a thread called "First Time Mums...March 2013" - the thread consisted of myself and around 10 other girls who were all due with their first children in or around March 2013 - we all got very friendly on the forums and kept up to date with each other throughout our pregnancies. Once our babies were born we all added each other on Facebook and have continued to chat on there almost every day since then....now our babies are almost 2 and a half years old and we STILL chat on there almost daily...some of us have gone on to have second children, some have just the one...some are pregnant...our lives are all different now but our friendship has remained and I now count these ladies among my closest friends and they are always the first people I go to if I need to vent or ask for advice....however despite knowing them so well and feeling so close to them, I'd never met any of them!
We all live all across the world...some of us in Australia, America, Ireland...and some of us spread across the UK. So when, a couple of days before Noah's Christening, two of the girls decided to make the journey to come along I was so thrilled! Lauren traveled from Nottingham, and Nicola from Manchester and it was so lovely to have them there and finally get to chat face to face...and so lovely yet surreal to meet the little ones that were the reason we all met in the first place!
All in all we had a great time celebrating Noah's special day - a huge thank you to everyone who came along to make it so special.