My perfect Christmas growing up was:As a Kid every year my parents would take my siblings and I up to Newcastle (Whitley Bay) to go stay with my grandparents over the Christmas holiday. Even though this involved a 5 hour journey in a packed car I absolutely loved doing this, seeing my grandparents, great nanny, Aunts and Uncles, cousins etc.. most years Christmas would be the only time we got to see them.I can still remember how excited my nanny would get when seeing us when we first arrived; her embraces and kisses, the sounds of her saying "'Ah Pet it is so good seeing you" - this memory brings a tear to my eye; sadly my grandparents are both passed away now.I always felt and still feel like I was so lucky that we got to go to Newcastle every Christmas, my Aunty would always take my brothers, sister and I to the cinema, we would go via the metro - I even thought the metro was fab.My Nanny would do a big Christmas day meal, Turkey and all the trimmings, then we would have loads of snacks and treats throughout the day, and finally we would sit and play games, and watch films - and my Nanny would cuddle up with us and my granddad would be sat in his normal chair with his pipe and glass of sherry. I miss my grandparents. My perfect Christmas day now adays would be as follows:I wake up early and lay there waiting for the boys to get up- Lewis will normally be the first up, he will wake his older brother up, and then I start to wake Jacob up - Summer will be up in her cot calling out for me 'Nan, Nan, Nan'.
Heading downstairs Hubby and I will go first, and I will try and visually capture the expressions on their faces and remember the moment the boys open the lounge door and go in. We all sit down and the 'passing the present' begins, with the boys opening their presents along the way - joy and laughter along the way, with Christmas songs playing in the back ground.
The next stage is taking the toys out, putting batteries in and/or putting toys together - the older two are pretty good at taking the time out to play with Jacob and they will all spend time with Summer helping her play with her new toys.
Hubby's Mum, and Aunty will come round to have Christmas breakfast with us, we can sit, talk and the boys and Summer can show them both the presents they received. Jacob is a Nannies boy so he will be chatting away with her like they are best of friends (as they always do).After a couple of hours play, we get ready and head round to my parents where my sister and her family, my brothers, and partners etc.. will all be there.Finally dinner time and we will all gather around the table together all 12 Adults, and 8 kids, but the kids will have a smaller separate table next to our 'Adult' table. We all then have a big Turkey roast with all the trimmings, and for dessert well normally my parents get in a few different choices - Christmas Pudding, Cheese Cake, Profiteroles and Spotted Dick.
All stuffed and overeaten, we then help clear dinner up, and then we settle in the lounge. The kids will be running riot around the house having loads of fun and making loads of noise, and the adults will play games like Trivial pursuit. We all go home shattered and ready for bed all content with the special day we had.
My wish list for this and any future Christmas:For my sister in law, her hubby and my three nieces to come home for Christmas! They immigrated to Australia early this year, and this year will be the first Christmas without them here! A surprise trip to the UK from Australia would be amazing. We miss them very much.For it to snow on Christmas day and the kids can go out playing in the snow, build a snowman, and go sledging.Thank you for reading - I wish you all have perfect Christmas this year and every year.
”Merry Christmas! This post is my entry into the Tots100/Argos 12 Days of Christmas competition.“