The Perfect Cookie :)

Posted on the 05 June 2012 by Lizb12 @elizabethbrinks
Okay, i have a terrible habit of just going into my fridge and taking whatever looks good-i admit it.
BUT today i just went down and spotted a back of cookies, now we usually have stale cookies, or too dry ones around-but no, not this one!! it was Bellisimo!! perfecto! smooth and chocolate chippy, fluffy and dry but still moist and chewy!! huurraahh!
i probably was going to just talk about something really cool and wise-ish sounding, but this cookie totally got my attention!
wow, those cookies look good! OH i just ate the last of those 4 perfect cookies :( *sadface*
OH hey, so like on my channel on Youtube there should be some new videos popping up because i just videoed like 3 of them today!! (that's hard work!)
ok, i liked this photo because A) i hope to take Jazz/hip hop dance next year and B) because it's cool oh yes i did :D also! can you believe it?? you're 8th grade writer is about to become a future Freshman!! or FF as my code name says,i'm excited and relieved-it's nice to be out of school! oh, but i officially "graduate" tomorrow-don't worry,i'll make sure we get "some" nice photos :) well-check out live4Jesus5432 if you can!! have a great week!! Godbless and good hunting everyone! LizB