The Polaroid Shots

Posted on the 29 May 2012 by Accordingtoamber @sgwennu
I recently bought myself a Polaroid camera from a new Cash Converters type store in Carmarthen for what I considered the bargain price of £15. The film however, has proved to be mighty expensive and almost made me reconsider my love of the Polaroid. 
The photos that came out from our test shots however renewed my adoration for them, and made me realize a few tricks to taking them.
  • Cover them up IMMEDIATELY after taking them. Being exposed to light too soon ruins them. All the blemished ones were for exactly that reason. We just couldn't move quick enough.
  • To combat the above issue, I ended up sellotaping the original film box over the slot where the polaroid would come out. This worked so much better.
  • It said on the box to wait 4mins for the Polaroid to develop before exposing it to the light. Erm, no. Try twenty minutes. As long as possible for best results. 
The film I used was by Impossible Project which you can buy off Amazon here. You will almost certainly be able to find a few cheaper packs on eBay and then Urban Outfitters stock it as well.

If you fancy buying yourself a polaroid, then there are several floating around eBay including one for less than a tenner, and it's the exact model that I have!When I added up in my head exactly what each Polaroid had cost to produce I really winced in pain, but I do not regret it in the slightest. I just think that if we'd run into a street seller at a festival selling polaroid shots for say £4 I KNOW I would have bought one, so it's all okay to me.  

The fun we had playing around with the camera and being able to have physical photos to hold immediately was a pleasure and I'm really looking forward to using up the rest of the film. I'm hoping that that now me camera assistant and I have got the knack of using it down the rest will come out just perfect. 
Do any of you have a polaroid camera? Please link me to some of your shots if you do! I'd love to see them. If not, would you consider getting one? Or are they just too expensive for all the whimsy?
P.S... Did you see yesterday's post about the Lamb and my new button swapping? You can also quickly enter the giveaway before it ends on Thursday night. <3
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