The Problem with Pets...

Posted on the 23 July 2012 by Fab40foibles @fab40foibles that they die.

Yesterday evening while walking the dogs I found our cat who had most probably been hit by a car. It must have happpened pretty quickly as she hadn't gone far, and I know that cats always hide themselves when badly hurt.

I have done the necessary with her body, a difficult thing to do but essential as my kids would have been cycling past her a few hours later.

It's very sad, we had her since she was a kitten, along with her brother Tom, who died a few years ago. Only yesterday morning she was curled up on my tummy as I read in  bed.

The hardest thing is the chidren, should I tell them? The cat is pretty independent, and I'm hoping they won't notice for a while. Then, when they ask I'll say something about how she probably found another home as she didn't like the new puppy.

What do you think I shoud do/say? What have you done in this situation?