The Radio is Talking To Me

Posted on the 18 December 2011 by Cantuccfd @cantuCCFD

I've made some changes to the blog. Added a few links up at the top. I needed a place to list my favorite movies, books & music. Music is everything. I'm always looking for new favorites so feel free to add to them and suggest any movies/books/bands I've overlooked. Speaking of music, I think I've found an all time favorite radio station: K-Rock of New York. They play exactly what I want to hear 24/7. Why can't all radio stations be this good? Go up top and click on "What's in my iPod" and that's basically their playlist. Im constantly hearing a song and saying, "Who is that?.. i need that song." And what's even better is they'll even interact with a faithful listener even if he's all the way down here in south Texas.

Have you ever been zoned out at home with the radio on in the background and then suddenly you think you hear your name called out by the hot sounding dj? (No? Really? Just me?) Well this time it wasn't in my head. It's the future man. Suddenly via social media I can make a joke on K-Rock's Facebook about the girl on the radio sounding 11 and minutes later she's on the radio saying "I don't sound like I'm 11 do I?". That's a true story. Seriously blew my mind. (And Linds from K-Rock happens to have a sexy very non-11 sounding voice by the way). When you hear her voice you picture this:

Why cant Julianne Hough be my neighbor...

Seriously though, is she not perfect in every way? Mmmmm... Julianne Hough. Just the right mix of girl next door and sex panther beauty queen. Anyhoo, if you have access to K-Rock in New York I seriously suggest you check them out. Go like their Facebook page. I started listening to them thru my Apple TV and now suddenly the djs talk to me. These kinds of random things seem to happen to me alot, but still, K-Rock rocks.
I think it's time for me to hit the sack. Just watched my cowboys win a must-win game against the Bucs on NFL Network which we don't have at the station but again through the magic of the Internet I had it streaming clearly to our tv. like a champ.

Great game, and the great citizens of Corpus Christi were nice enough to not dial 911 too many times during the game and we actually got to see about 2/3 of it (thank you sweet, tiny baby jesus with cowboys face paint). That's all for now. It's almost midnight. Let's see if we get to sleep tonight. Tomorrow is football Sunday but more importantly it's initiation day for the Brewsual Suspects. The dream of the beer club is coming to fruition. Pics soon to come. Nite.
And just as I typed that last sentence the tones go off for a structure fire. Fire at a tire shop. Started in a bathroom and worked its way to the office. Could've been worse. Another business saved. Now it's 2 am. Back at the station. Let's try this again. (Nite)