The Rains Are Singing

Posted on the 11 August 2013 by Fizz @ThePoetsAlley
I look outside,
My window,
And there beside me,
Weeping loudly,
Is the sky itself.
But I find it,
Comforting instead,
Because I soon see,
The joy that it brings to me,
And to everyone around.
I see kids dancing,
On the rooftops,
And a few playing,
Football in the mud.
I gaze above,
And can see the,
Mountain bright green in colours,
Shying behind,
The mischievous clouds.
And I look at the buildings,
And earth below,
Everything looks like,
They enjoyed the bath, it reflects,
In their vigilant and refreshed look.
And then floating about,
Is the heavenly scent,
Of mud,
That’s just been woken up.
I start to make up plans,
Of the long drives,
And the journeys I would take,
And relinquish in the beauty,
That nature has to offer.
I then make myself a cup of tea,
And very softly, I realize,
The rains are speaking,
And singing their own song,
I think I will join them soon.
~ A Poem By Fizz
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