There was only one place left it could be - in my parents attic in storage. Not the easiest place to get to at that particular moment in time.
Instead, my eye landed upon a book that I have owned for about 20 years but have never read. It was originally my mothers, and handed down to me along with my copies of Watership Down, The Plague Dogs and Shardik. She had a fondness for anthropomorphic animal tales where the animals still behave as they do in reality (unlike, for example the Redwall chronologies or the Deptford Mice).

I picked it up and struggled my way through the first two chapters, then became utterly immersed. This book is nothing short of beautiful. I think my mother may have been slightly over optimistic given it to me when I was 12 (I was a precocious reader, but this would have been a stretch) but as an adult I am fully able to appreciate the sheer poetry of Horwood's writing.
Duncton Wood is the first in a series of books that explores the society and trials of a community of moles living in Duncton Wood in Oxfordshire. The moles have their own society, religion and hierarchy and laws. The story in particular follows the tale of Bracken and Rebecca, two moles who are fated to pass into mole legend for their exploits. Indeed, Duncton Wood starts with their story as it is recorded in the moles holy books by their friend, Boswell the Scribe.

From the inside cover of the hardback version of Duncton Wood
Horwood's ability to create an entire world, with history and government, rituals and rules, legendary figures and day to day survival rivals that of Tolkein. Every aspect of mole society has been considered, from the concept of a mole year (approximately one human month) to the fighting rights for territory and mates. The books are filled with nature, with vivid descriptions of the flowers, the woods, the other animals, even the 'roaring owls' whose behavior the moles cannot understand (cars). You see the world through the eyes of a creature who is basically blind, who relies on touch and taste and scent and sound to make sense of the environment around him. If you read this book, you will never look at a molehill quite the same way again. Their world is beautiful and brutal, death is violent and painful and often inflicted by another mole.
Oh, and back onto Watership Down? If you haven't read it, please, please do. It is so much more complex and richer than the animated film.
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