The Reluctant Road Tripper: Day 7

Posted on the 16 May 2014 by Shangi @lifefruitbasket
Harvard, Boston

It’s another beautiful but severely humid day to explore Harvard! Like what I said on my previous post, Harvard is like a city within a city. All their buildings are spread all throughout the neighborhood. The building that really left me speechless was this one in particular…
I am in awe. Harry Pottah? Ah we in Hogwhots?
 The Reluctant Road Tripper: Day 7
The Reluctant Road Tripper: Day 7
The Reluctant Road Tripper: Day 7

At first glance, I could've sworn it was either some architectural wonder erected to be used as a museum with rare artifacts or a gigantic gothic cathedral. Well, that’s two strikes out for me because they were neither a museum nor a cathedral. This beautiful pile of bricks is known as the Memorial Hall and you can’t get in there if you’re not a student or staff of Harvard. In other words--Shoo, commoner. Be gone! Haha. Oh and by the way, you know what goes on inside? They use it as a DINING HALL. Yea, that’s right. They just EAT there. And here I am, thinking that if you get to have McDonald’s served in your school cafeteria, you’re the shiz.
Speaking of a cathedral, they do in fact, have one! We went to hear mass at St. Paul’s Cathedral so I managed to discreetly take pictures inside as well.
The orange thing up on that arch is actually just a mesh. I think they were in the middle of doing some minor repairs.

It’s not only the buildings that make Harvard such a wonderful place to be in, it’s the surrounding area as well. There’s a river called the Charles River that runs between Cambridge and Boston, which gets pretty busy during the summer with people jogging on the pathways and people doing different sorts of water sports such as kayaking, board paddling, regatta, etc.

We only had time to do a quick stop in Boston, so sadly, once again, I wasn’t able to explore the city. Pears, we're only here to get your sister settled in. Yea, party poopers. But you know what I just realized? I actually really love gothic architecture. Not only do they look historical but it just adds a lot of character to a place. It’s like everywhere I look in Cambridge or Boston, there’s always this cool gothic structure that seems to transport me to a different time. Jamie Lannister, where art thou?

Look at that nice, not the boring skyscraper.

Time to cross back on the bridge! Awwwweee. Cambridge totally won me over with all the dogs enjoying their walks around town. Is it safe to assume then that people in Cambridge/Boston love pets just as much as I do? =)
Adorable in different shapes and sizes…

There are so many random things that you can find in every corner around Harvard Square like:
This dude…
Statue of John Harvard. They say that if you rub John Harvard’s left foot, it will bring you luck…But I now regret touching that golden foot, Kiwi says that students pee on it and do weird stuff with that statue. Hey, that's why I always wash my hands.

Or this random wall of art…

Or this building with a face…how adorable! Doesn't it remind you of that old cartoon, The Flying House?

Or this awesome computer by hot nerds…
The Harvard Mark I

" a result, many computer pioneers consider that the digital computing age began with the unveiling of Harvard Mark I in August 1944.." Nerds rule. Always.

Or this historical place for folk-rock music that was once called Club 47, one of Bob Dylan’s stepping stones to music greatness.

Or random people doing random things in a random grassy area…Yea, I don't even wanna know.

One last note:  in case you would like to visit around the Cambridge area, don’t forget that they do have a lot of uneven brick sidewalks so you better keep those 4-inch heels at home and opt for some comfy shoes..

Ugh. The sight of that sidewalk makes my Manolo's shudder.
Enough walking, let's talk about the most crucial thing about road trips... Food! And it's gonna be up next on Day 8 so stay tuned!