The Rules and Regulations of Dating in Your 40′s…

Posted on the 20 December 2011 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

There are some apparently…who knew?

You all know me right? Any of my friends that hear the words Donna and Rules in the same sentence will either snort, spew their coffee out their noses or run away laughing ferociously.


I don’t do rules.

I do etiquette, and manners. I will even behave if I have to, but if you think you are going to tell me how it is from your perspective and expect me to do as you say…and think I will be all ok with that, then you will be sadly disappointed in our acquaintance.

The thing I have found with dating at this age, is that we all have baggage, right? Some of have dealt with our baggage and some of us haven’t. It’s all good in every situation, really it is. But we sort of have to be on the same page to a certain extent is all.

Now the scary part of this is…I haven’t even been on a date yet. I am thinking about it though…

The big question is this, where the hell do you meet people to go on a date with?

We know online is off the grid for me, I just can’t go there. Facebook is questionable too, mostly because I keep meeting people that live in a different province or city. It is just too hard to cyber date. You can’t get the feel for who someone really is online. They only let you see what they want you to see, so you can’t possibly get the whole picture.

I have recently made a friend, who I have been talking to, he seems like a normal guy. All good. He lives too far away. That is a problem for me, absolutely. And then there was this…

The other night we were talking about trust, and he said to me “you have to earn my trust”…

I am like, what?

First off, no.

Dating is hard enough work without having that kind of shit hanging over your head.

I am trustworthy, I am loyal.

If you won’t give me the benefit of the doubt, your loss.

I won’t take on your issues as my own, and I have no desire to go out of my way to make you feel better because you have been hurt before.

We have all been hurt before, we have all been betrayed. No one wants that, but you can’t control things other people do. It sucks, but…

And really, isn’t dating at our age hard enough without projecting that onto someone? It’s going to narrow your chances of finding love I would say. Well with me anyways.

So where do you find guys to date? The grocery store? In Starbucks? I haven’t got a fucking clue.

If you do find someone, how do you make sure they have the same rules and regulations as you do?

I mean I guess I have some qualifications, I would rather not call them rules, but they are pretty simple…

  • Have a job, and it can’t be a job like being a drug dealer or a pimp.
  • Have your own house, rented or owned, I don’t really care, but you aren’t living with me the first week, just saying.
  • Don’t ask me if you can drive my car, you can’t.
  • Listen to what I tell you when you ask me a question. Turn off the porn, or stop checking out the hot chick walking past our table…you asked, you should at least listen to what I have to say. There might be a quiz later.
  • Don’t expect me to chase you like I am 14. I won’t. You will be disappointed.
  • Don’t be abusive, in any way to anyone…
  • If I meet you out, and give you my number, and you don’t call…I won’t call you. I will show interest if I am interested for sure, but the next step is up to you, you need to make effort…
  • If you want to know something about me, ask me. Don’t listen to the bullshit gossip from the girl in Sayward who doesn’t even know me that heard it from a friend of a friend that lives in fucking Timbuktu…who knows a girl I went to school with when I was six.
So that’s about it…pretty basic. Like I said dating is hard enough to deal with.Why add insanity?I am done being a magnet for crazy…I would rather be the fucking crazy cat lady, seriously…