The Saga of Office Boy: The Holiday Thursday.

Posted on the 20 January 2012 by Shayes @shayes08

The Beginning | Facts About Myself | Don't Mess With An English Major | The Bake SaleThe Favor | The Rescue | The Brothel | The Number | The Wrist, Part One | The Wrist, Part TwoThe Sighting | The Question | The Concern | The Explanation | The Star Wars Debate
The Phone Call
The text message was there, staring at me in the face. Is he asking me out? Or this just a 'hang out'? CRAP! I'm not free on Friday!
Sorry. I'd love to, but I'm actually taking a day trip up to PA on Friday and won't be back until about midnight.Oh. I would say New Year's Eve, but I don't know what your plans are.Well, I actually just found out that my usual plans are taking place on Sunday, not on Saturday.
Now calm down. Stop freaking out. I did not spend New Year's Eve with Office Boy. There was no magical, chick flick-esque, midnight first kiss. Breathe, my dear readers, and let me finish my story.
After much texting back and forth, we determined that we would hang out on Saturday and watch Ghostbusters, but as I had a hair appointment at 1:30pm and he had plans that evening, the movie watching would take place earlier in the day. I was to text him on Saturday morning when I woke up — his recommendation was 8:55am — and would then shower and such and head on over.
Thursday I got into work exhausted and so incredibly glad that I didn't have to work on Friday. It was quiet because, seriously, who works on the Thursday before New Years? Me, apparently. And Office Boy.
I've literally never seen the office this dead. There were maybe a dozen people in the whole place. And ordinarily there's 50-60.
Office Boy popped by fairly early in the morning, just to say hello, and sat down for a while. Eventually, he got up and headed back over to his cubicle. I found random ways to entertain myself for the next hour or so and then got bored. So I wandered over to Office Boy's cubicle, sat down and chatted for a while.
Around 11am, I got an email from him with the subject, "This is what I feel like today..."
Yep. It was that kind of day. I told him I felt the same way, except my sentiment was better described this way:

This turned into a conversation about how, according to Office Boy, all cats are evil and poisonous. This is perhaps one of the biggest drawbacks. Office Boy is allergic to cats. And not like the "my eyes water sometimes but if I take a Benadryl I'm okay" kind of allergic. I'm talking can't breathe kind of allergic. I found this out because one day, he randomly asked me if I had a cat. I said yes. His response?
"Ok. That's why I have a hard time breathing when I'm over here."
For real. Simply the fact that I have a cat and therefore my clothing has the remnants of cat dander on it is a problem for him. And I'm a major cat person. Hmm...
So anyway, I eventually got Office Boy to concede that not all cats are evil. He still maintains that they are all poisonous. And I guess, for him, they are. We continued to discuss the merits of different animals and all of a sudden another email popped up in my inbox.
"Come hang out. No one is here."
It was about lunch time, so we headed down to the cafeteria, got out food and sat down to eat. The conversation was pretty standard — nothing ridiculous or crazy, apparently, as I don't quite recall what we discussed. We headed back upstairs and finished off the work day. Once again, he called me on the way back from work and we had a lovely little chat. Plans changed and I was now leaving for PA on Thursday evening, about an hour after I got back from work, not on Friday morning. So as I talked to him, I began the packing process.
"Don't forget the jeans," he said.
"What jeans?"
"You know. The jeans."
"...what jeans?"
"You know, every girl has that one pair of jeans that makes her butt look really good. Those jeans."
My butt always looks good, I thought. "Oh, those jeans. Right." Because it's so important for your butt to look good at White Sulphur Springs.
"Guys have that, too. Except we do it with shirts. Like, every guy has that one shirt that they know makes their chest and arms just look really good."
"Ahh, well...I'll be sure to pack them."
I finished up my packing, my traveling partner arrived and we headed off to PA. We had a lovely trip up, a hilarious evening of conversation on Thursday night and a spectacular day on Friday. My sister got engaged that day and I might have mildly totally freaked out. But more on that later. Friday night, we made the drive home and I called Office Boy to confirm the details for Saturday. I would get up around 9:00ish, text him, then shower and theoretically be at his apartment around 10:30am.
I arrived home earlier than expected, changed into my PJs and snuggled into my warm bed and proceeded to Skype with my sister so I could get the full proposal story and we could be all girly and excited. By the time I closed my laptop, the clocked read 1:00am. I set my alarm and passed out.
Saturday morning, I woke up, and looked at my clock. In big, bright letters is read 10:23am.
Check back Tuesday for the next installment in The Saga of Office Boy! 
First picture from My Cute Animals. Second picture from I Waste So Much Time.