The Beginning | Facts About Myself | Don't Mess With An English Major | The Bake SaleThe Favor | The Rescue | The Brothel | The Number | The Wrist, Part One | The Wrist, Part TwoThe Sighting | The Question | The Concern | The Explanation | The Star Wars Debate
I breathed a sigh of relief as I got into my car and burst into tears 30 seconds later. I had somehow survived a conversation I had dreaded for the last month and now it was over. The up and down, back and forth, crazy roller coaster of a relationship with The Boy Who Smashed My Heart was finally done. I responded to text messages and looked at my missed calls. There was on from Office Boy.
That's strange, I thought. He's never called me before.
After talking with my sister and regaining my composure enough so that I didn't sound like I'd just been sobbing, I called Office Boy back but got his voicemail.
"Hey," I said. "I just noticed that I had a missed call from you. If you need something, I guess, just give me a call back. Talk to you later." I hung up the phone and drove home, the reality of the conversation I had just had finally sinking in and yet, I felt better than I had in months.
A short while later, my phone went off. It was a message from Office Boy.
Hey. I was just driving home from work and I want to chat.Sorry. I was meeting with someone and my phone was in my purse.Date?
I scoffed as I read his message.
No. Not at all. More like the opposite of one, I thought.Sorry. I didn't meant to pry.It's fine. I don't mind.I just don't want you to think I'm being disrespectful.Seriously, it's fine. I really don't care.
The next evening, after a fairly uneventful day at work where, once again, Office Boy went to the gym and I left before he finished, my phone rang as I was driving home. It was Office Boy.
"Hey," I said, as I answered it."You left before I did again.""Sorry," I said, smiling. "I guess that's what you get for going to the gym."
"But if I didn't go then I'd get all fat."
"I'm not saying don't go to the gym, I'm just saying I'm not gonna wait around for you."
"You could just go to the gym."
"I will, starting next week."
"Ok, good."
The conversation progressed to discuss various topics like the work day, the ridiculous traffic and how dumb Northern Virginia drivers are and then somehow looped around to the previous night.
"So what exactly were you doing last night?" he asked.
"Do you remember that guy I mentioned yesterday?" (The Boy Who Smashed My Heart)
"Star Wars guy?"
"Oh, yea."
"Well, I was having dinner with him to tell him we can't be friends anymore."
"Oh, wow," he said. "So it was like...the opposite of a date."
"Yea, pretty much," I said.
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine. Honestly, I feel better than I have in months."
When I arrived home, I sent him a text message.
Btw, you still owe me a raincheck for Friday.
I know. I'm sorry about that.
It's fine. Just don't get sick again.
I'll try not to.
There is no try. There is only do.
As soon as I sent that message, I realized that, yet again, I had screwed up the quote.
Actually, it's 'Do or do not. There is no try.' Quote fail.
Star Wars guy should've treated you better.
This message took me a bit off guard. I wasn't quite sure where that jump in thought process came from, but it was sweet, nonetheless.
Thanks. But you live and learn. He was always correcting me on that quote. I could never get it right.
He should've just been glad that you even like Star Wars!
I seriously love Star Wars. My mom was a huge advocate for them when I was a kid.
Go watch Ghostbusters.
You don't have to.'s fine. I'm just about to go out with some of my girlfriends. Is it on Netflix?
I don't know.
Well, I guess I'll have to check that out, because if it's not, then I don't have a way to watch it.
I have three copies of it.
Why am I not surprised? Lol. We should watch it sometime.
I was a little nervous about sending that last text. I'm very traditional when it comes to relationships and I was terrified of seeming pushy or too forward. But then a response came back.
Check back Tuesday for the next installment in The Saga of Office Boy!
PS. I realized I have royally sucked at posting over the last week or so. For this, I apologize. Things have been utterly absurd. But hopefully that will change this week. Saga updates will continued to come at their regularly scheduled time, and hopefully more posts will be showing up in between.
PPS. Office Boy is driving me to and from work today. Oh...wouldn't you all like to know THAT story! But you'll just have to wait... *commence maniacal laughter*