The Secret - Power of Subconscious Mind

Posted on the 04 February 2016 by Gopalakrishnan K @gopalmadhav
I was suggested by a huge chunk of my friends to read this book. Some of the friends felt that this book changed their life. A virtual friend of mine treated it as his “precious”. These hype generated around me to read the book otherwise I am pretty averse towards the self-help books. So thus my journey to read the book started. I read the book few months ago and felt something is missing and I never thought of writing about the book. Then on one fine day a friend of mine shared a quote from the book that kindled my thought process back to write something on the book. hence this particular blog post.I wanted to started the year’s blog journey with an usual customary post of thanking the previous year, expectations from this year and how the year started of good. I felt that if I started of the blog with a positive post then most of the post follows are all positive. When I was thinking on this line the book and the other appearances of the book flashed in my mind. So I started with positivity writing about the positivity.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

To all my friends who think reading a book is gruesome, I would like to summarize the book in few lines. The author says that if you think positive then all will happen positively. The author talks about the law of attraction, according to it if you attract the thoughts it becomes the reality. To implement that kind of positivity you should do three activities namely ask, believe and receive. Ask is about attaining the desired state, then believe is having a firm belief that the desired state can be achieved and receive is the most crucial part where you need to receive the thoughts of nature that it can be achieved. Apart from this she says to be grateful for what you have now. This characteristic helps in appreciating the things you have and so it will bring more of what you desire. Also visualize your thoughts. Today Data analytics might be a boom but without Data visualization the results will not be that much powerful. Visualizing helps you in believing what might happen to what will happen. Till this I had not much of an issue but when the book turned towards attaining money, health and relationship I felt a bit cumbersome and repetitive. She explains that placebo effect is an example of law of attraction. One of the important things she conveys is that if you strongly resist certain things you are actually paying it more attention and so you are attracting it more than ever. This makes the thing to happen. So I actually practiced it for a good length of time even before I read this particular book and methods suggested. The explanation and the terminology used in the book were quite different but the gist was same that think positive so that it happens. It is the power of the subconscious mind that helps in not only achieving what we desire but also creating and crafting the future. I felt it a bit hard to finish the book as the points mentioned seem to have repeated enough times. But then later I understood the necessity of reinforcement theory in order to make the reinforcement theory understand by the readers. One of the big drawbacks of her thoughts is lack of acceptance of the situation but rather asking one to create own thoughts it is ridiculous at times. But then Steve Jobs was praised for his Reality Distortion Field and so you can also do the same by it.
I wish to conclude this post is that I tried to alter my thought process and it actually paid off, brimming with hope and positivity you can easily achieve the things you want. But one thing I learnt from that is your desire has to be burning and you should think that you can get it anyhow. As Paulo Coelho says, If you work for what you desire the whole world will come to your support. And I too have many optimistic thoughts and goals for the year.