Diaries Magazine

The Sharpest Weapon?

Posted on the 11 April 2023 by C. Suresh
When anyone talks of ancient wisdom, you automatically assume that the chap is going to spout off about how 'Love conquers all' and how money is the root cause of all evil and so on. The said man could well be on a lecture tour, being paid a hefty sum of money so that he can tell you about how money is the enemy of happiness, but still...It's a pleasant surprise, therefore, to see Tiru actually egging you on to earn wealth. True, the chap wrote one-third of his Thirukkural about Money, Wealth or what we may call the Economy, if we are inclined to sounding particularly erudite. But still...Seyka Porulaich Cherunar serukkarukkum eqkadhanir kooriya thil - Tirukkural
Accumulate wealth for there is no sharper weapon than that to lop off the arrogance of foes - Loose TranslationTiru, has, in the past also said that 'Knowledge is the most supreme of all types of wealth' etc. BUT...in the context of foes I suppose, Knowledge is not all that great a weapon. I mean, you prate of how much knowledge you have and your foe is only likely to scoff at it and ask you why, if you are so wise, you are so poor. Tiru does know to pick his weapons to suit the battle, one must admit.It is difficult to argue against success or scoff at it without sounding like a loser. And 'success' is largely defined by how wealthy you are. All the more so, one supposes, in Tiru's times when you could not stand for an election and become the king. Acquire wealth and you need hardly bother to fight your foe. If he scoffs, he will get laughed off as a sore loser by Society.Which sort of proves one of my pet theories. That people tend to shape their lives because of their foes and not because of those dear to them. They strive harder to show up a foe than they would to benefit those close to them. If their family wishes them to give up a course of action but their foe will celebrate it as a victory then...And, thus, it is that it is more likely that the need to show up your foes is a more likely reason for why the world keeps going around than Love!

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