The Simplest Sunday Breakfast

Posted on the 05 April 2015 by Halinak @HalinaKema

Happy Easter everyone! Just checking in today to share this perfect Sunday breakfast recipe that is really very simple. Sigurd makes it every other weekend, but it's also a perfect addition for an extra special Easter breakfast. ( I can't remember where we found it originally. Maybe it was Jamie Oliver?)
These are croissants with scrambled eggs, creamy goat cheese and arugula.
4 croissants
1 1/2 cup arugula
4 eggs
1/2 cup creamy goat cheese
Beat the eggs together with salt, pepper and 2 tbs of water. Pour the mixture into a skillet heated over medium heat and stir. When the eggs are hardened lower the heat and divide the scrambled eggs into four even parts. Add teaspoons of goat cheese in every part and let it sit for a minute to melt. Cut the croissants on the sides and fill each croissant with arugula and then one part each of the scrambled egg.
There is nothing that gives me that Sunday feeling as much as eating these do! Have a lovely one!