Self Expression Magazine

The Song of Silver Speaks

Posted on the 03 November 2014 by Scarphelia
The Song of Silver Speaks
That phrase which fell upon my mind one cold winters eve, words which rained down upon me in an incoherent medley only to somehow form in a truth at the forefront of my mind - today I hear them sing louder than ever.
Forever remain curious, refuse to remain unremarkable. 
The world suddenly made sense to me, the universe and all it's dwellers and inhabitants, all of it suddenly made sense. I had a choice. I have a choice.
Forever remain curious, refuse to remain unremarkable. 
Two years on and these words thrum through the very core of my being. Like a tribal drumming, a unison of sound, like monks humming, these words recycle, repeat over and over, blossoming into being in my mind, soaring through my veins and into my circulatory system, powering the cells which forms the life which forms the consciousness which forms the understanding behind the meaning of exactly what those words mean. 
Forever remain curious, refuse to remain unremarkable. 
 Despite this formulation coming from my head, I can't shake the feeling that this understanding came from somewhere else. Whether that something dwells within the deep recesses of my mind or it is something greater altogether - I do not know. But I know I'm not the first to feel this, and I know I won't be the last. And it simply baffles my intrigue as to how this can be.
Forever remain curious, refuse to remain unremarkable. 
I feel it now, it's presence weaves down my fingertips as a way to communicate this meaning. Is this some kind of raw, ethereal spirit of inspiration which runs like a weaving silver thread through generations of disposable humanity, a virus of consciousness which selects its targets wisely to give birth to its creative wisdom? 
Forever remain curious, refuse to remain unremarkable. 
I do not feel it is me who even taps these keys anymore. There is no time or need for edits, and my fingers are but a blur as I watch them frantically tapping. These sentences just grow before me at lightening speed like horizontal sprouting roots.
Forever remain curious, refuse to remain unremarkable. 
I can hear the music of wisdom, I can feel the vibrations of understanding and I cannot stop. It has caught me at such an opportune time, however off-guard. How many times have I inadvertently missed it's calling? Maybe if I am unable to open my mind to let it pass through me than it shall soar over my head and find someone else, something else, a new door to allow it to be birth these metaphysics into the real world. 
Forever remain curious, refuse to remain unremarkable. 
Curiosity is the birth-given trademark of humankind. As infants, children, curiosity is what allows us to learn, what allows us to be educated. How ironic that through forced education, curiosity is exactly what is beaten out of us. As adults, we lose that spark, it slips through our fingers which we're too busy handling 9-5 office hours, assignments and coursework about things we struggle to feign interest in, waking up, clocking in, clocking out, falling asleep.
Forever remain curious, refuse to remain unremarkable. 
But for a reason which is beyond me, mine has been gifted back. Was it because I chose to surrender myself to the mercies of creation, that I was able to admit my mind had becomes stagnant and stale and I could no longer feel fulfilled in what I was doing? Was my ability to recognize my unfulfillment an admonishment that I was ready for something more?
Forever remain curious, refuse to remain unremarkable. 
I won't let this curiosity be taken from me again. I have been given back and I refuse to take it for granted. I will challenge any of a greater power that lurk under the guise of 'further education', any who linger under the impression they are 'older and therefore wiser' when they care not for artistic exploration, for intellectual discovery, who only give a shit if you put your numbers in the right box to make their jobs a little easier.
Forever remain curious, refuse to remain unremarkable. 
The latter follows as such. Refuse to remain unremarkable. We are born and bred as each an infinitesimal speck of irrelevance in this thronging mass. We are assured that the human being is such a marvelously complex thing, a miracle of nature, that every little biological process and happening inside of us operates on its own understanding of the physical world and how miraculous that is - yet on a social level we are told we are more or less nothing. We'll never really do anything that remarkable and its foolish and arrogant and financially impractical to assume or believe you will. 
Forever remain curious, refuse to remain unremarkable. 
But I refuse. Not because I believe I am more important than anyone, or deserve to be regarded as such, but because I FEEL THIS bristling beneath the surface of my skin. It's something I am at a loss of words to explain - perhaps my young human mind is too inexperienced, too under-educated to quite define it yet. But I feel it like static electricity in the air that seems to agitate and disturb the particles of air around your skin. 
I feel the inescapable presence of this metamorphosis every single day, and it manifests itself in so many different ways that I am but an infant to it's understanding, still. My mind is even too ill-informed to understand exactly what it is that I hope to achieve, but with each day that passes it does become clearer to me. With each day that I live by this song of the silver, little but little this wisdom gifts me back my curiosity and permits me a little more clarity along with it. 
So all I can do now is write and live and explore and grow, and someday in the not too distant future, I know I will figure out exactly how I'm going to do this, exactly what I want to achieve with my life.
And so I say this mantra one last time, as if committing it to eternity, a branding of my existence on this speck of existence on the space time continuum. 
Forever remain curious, refuse to remain unremarkable. 

The Song of Silver Speaks
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