The Unibunny is real.
It is an animal that is a unicorn and bunny all in one.
I know many dear reader had no idea, but now you are aware of this of magical creature, you will definitely keep an eye out for her next Easter. (Read the twins stories to learn more about the Unibunny)
This creature helps the Easter Bunny deliver eggs on Easter Sunday.
I asked the girls to write their story of the Unibunny. Click on the girls names below to read the Unibunny stories.
The twins wrote each story yesterday on the computer with a little help from mummy and daddy. I hope you like them. Send in a comment to each child about the stories and the girls will reply.
Happy Easter everyone. I hope the Unibunny has given you a lot of amazing treats and I'm sure that the Easter Bunny helped out too.
Don't forget that you can download some of my FREE Printables that are related to Easter:
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