The Sunshine Blogger

Posted on the 15 April 2014 by Genzelkisses

I miss doing these kind of tags and nominations.  Been nominated for Liebster last year, then Versatile (not yet posted), and now Sunshine Blogger.  I find it really fun to do as we get to know more about each other.  I would like to thank Arya of The Certified Late Bloomer (read her post here) and Princess of Hello I am Prince (read her post here).

The Rules:
1.  Post a picture of the Sunshine Blogger Award (I made my own)
2.  Post 11 random facts about yourself
3.  Answer 11 questions from the nominating blogger
4.  Link back to the blogger who nominated you
5.  Nominate 11 wonderful bloggers, that you feel bring sunshine to the blogging world. (Be sure to notify them)
6.  Write 11 questions for your nominated bloggers

The 11 Random Facts About me:

Not so sure if I have mentioned anything here before here in my blog or in my YT Channel but here you go.  No judging please!

1.  I’m petite.  A lot of people always thought I’m tall based on photos but no, I’m less than 5″.
2.  I love Pink.  You can tell, haha.
3.  I love flowers and plants!  My late grandma told me I have green thumb as I can grow flowers and plants even if they are dying.
4.  Afraid with feathers and birds.  If you want to kill me, send me an eagle and I will die.
5.  I go to malls or everywhere with zero makeup (bare face) especially if I don’t feel like putting anything on my face.
6.  Desserts ❤
7.  My dream is to become a singer and have my own album.  I’m not giving up!
8.  I want to have my own brand (makeup, perfume, or anything that I like), someday “Gen-zel”.
9.  My boyfriend says I’m 70% man, 30% woman. HAHAHA.  I can do most man stuff like carpentry, electric repairs, plumbing, mechanic, etc.
10.  I want to be a car racer.
11.  I’m not clean freak but I hate unorganized things and unpleasant smell.  Me and my family members always argue when they don’t put things back to where they get them.

Thunderbird Resorts La Union

Next, Questions for me.

I will be answering questions from Arya since Princess didn’t post questions for her nominated bloggers.

1. Favorite vacation place?
Beach.  I feel calm and relaxed near the shore.

2. Summer or rainy season.
Summer.  I feel unproductive when it’s raining.

3. Divergent or Hunger Games?
Hunger Games.  I liked the Divergent movie but I find more action and intensity with HG.

4. Favorite actor. Why?
Liam Neeson.  I’ve never seen any bad movie starring him.

5. Your crush says “Hi”, what will be your reaction.
Heart skips a bit deep inside but will definitely say hi too

6. You’re addicted to?
So far, glitters and pretty home / room decors.

7. Favorite youtuber?
My all time fave so far is ThatsHeart!

8. What food that instantly pops in your mind when you’re angry?
Ice cream.  It cools me down.

9. What do you think is the coolest job on earth.
For me, singer ♡

10. Favorite type of music.

11. Are you beautiful (*wink)?
Of course, we all are

I nominate the following bloggers (in random order).  I tried to put names that I think haven’t done this tag yet.

1.  Yette (
2.  Celline (
3.  Rochelle (
4.  Sam (
5.  Michelle (
6.  Misha (
7.  Danica (
8.  Tellie (
9.  Tin (
10.  Jean (
11.  If you’re reading this, I’m tagging YOU!

My Questions for you:

1.  One makeup product you can’t live without?
2.  What’s your dream vacation?
3.  Silliest thing you’ve ever done?
4.  Who’s your ultimate celebrity crush?
5.  Favorite singer?
6.  Food you hate?
7.  Most favorite red lipstick?
8.  Android or IOS? Why?
9.  What is blogging to you?
10.  Most favorite blog site?
11.  Dress or pants?

Excited to read yours!  If you will be doing this or have done this before please comment below your links!  Would love to read yours as well!  Have a great week!