The Sure Path to Heaven?

Posted on the 19 August 2024 by C. Suresh

This thing about a Heaven after death is, I suppose, something that people may have their doubts about. I mean, yeah, it's nice to believe that there IS a Heaven where all is bliss and that you could earn a place there by what you do down here. see, the issue IS about what you have to do down here. Like not being greedy, not lusting yada yada. It's almost like you got to live a Hell on earth in order to get to Heaven after death.

I daresay that there would be a lot more believers in Heaven if only the path to it on Earth were a shade more...joyful, shall we say? I have always found that belief in the existence of a certain goal is directly proportional to your belief in your ability to achieve it. OR, in simpler terms, grapes are seldom pre-judged to be sour if they are within reach.

Tiru's path to Heaven, in other kurals, may have been equally as terrible. But, in this one, he makes a point that is not really so off-putting.

NallaatraaL Naadi AruLaaLga pallaatraal therinum akde thunai - Tirukkural

To study and assess morality and be kind to all around you is the only path to Heaven even in the light of the conflicting tenets of various sects - Loose translation

Yeah, yeah, that 'morality' bit does not seem too much like it will be a easy thing but being kind? Is that too much to ask? Yeah, I know, it sort of kills all your social media popularity because where is the fun in reading kind things? So, bang go your chances of going viral which, other than for things like Covid, seems to be the most sought after social media nirvana. Hmmm! So Tiru, also, is asking for some serious sacrifice then.

Though, Tiru seems to echo what everyone pays mouth service to these days. That, despite what each religion varies on, the bottom line is that Kindness IS the passport to Heaven. All that fighting for the morality of my religion's tenets etc. etc. do not seem to cut much ice when it comes to your aspirations for whatever you think is Heavenly Bliss. Not if you go by Tiru. You can study all the morality you like, you can choose to live by it but when it comes to others you need to comport yourself with kindness first and THEN comes whatever preaching that you choose to do. Sans the kindness, the rest is useless in transporting you to Heaven or so Tiru would have it.

Now THAT I suppose is something every sect will agree on. That all this is nonsense, that kindness be damned if it gets in the way of propagating their own idea of morality. Alas!