Self Expression Magazine

The Target Outfit

Posted on the 12 June 2012 by Meplusmytrainer @meplusmytrainer
I totally flaked on my PT session this morning and I feel awful about it. I just simply didn't write it down or put it into my blackberry.  Just so we are all on the same page, it is not ok to do this.
If you say you are going to do something, you should. Not to mention how yucky it feels to know that someone got up extra early to help you get closer to your fitness goals, while you were still in bed. But it happened. No one is perfect and I did my own workout today (BodyStep class) instead  and I will train with Kyle tomorrow morning. I promised him I would do these three things today: great food, great sleep and no stress.
The Target Outfit
Ok, let's move on and get real here. At some point, no matter who you are and what you do, you will have an event of some sort that you need to attend and you want to look good. Now the "why" behind the want to look good part will vary from person to person, but one thing that won't change-is that we all want it.
There is a show on the Slice network with trainer Tommy Europe called "The Last 10 Pounds" Bootcamp. The main premise of the show is that he works with clients that need to loose 10 pounds for a specific reason (wedding, family reunion etc etc). He has them pick out an outfit, try it on and then tells them to buy size smaller. Gasp. Then they proceed to workout 6 days/week and eat all the right foods for about 6 weeks to fit into the outfit. End scene. Great concept, except we never get to see these folks 6 weeks AFTER the event when they have gone back to their old way of eating and not exercising to see what they look like.
Anyways, I am myself in a "The last 10 Pounds" type of situation myself. This will not come as news to many of those that read this blog that work with me but for those of you who don't have the pleasure...
Every August we attend a major fitness conference called Can Fit Pro. It is for fitness professionals of all walk of life and of all shape and form. New or old to the fitness industry-this is the place you want to be if you are wanted to keep your knowledge current, commit to self or professional development, networking or to build your resume. So basically a conference where thousands of fitness professionals congregate in one area for an entire weekend of walking around in lululemon clothing judging each other. Kidding!
I have committed myself to NOT NOT NOT making any new clothing purchases for this weekend. I have tons and tons and then more tons of workout clothes as well as many dresses, skirts and stilettos that I can wear (there is a gala type event on Saturday night). So I have a black tulip skirt from Club Monaco that I have decided I would like to wear.
In an effort to keep myself on track, here is a photo:

The Target Outfit

This is a pic of the skirt laid out on my's more "tulip-y" in real life.

I worked for an amazing woman that many of you know named Maureen Hagan years ago and one (of the many) things that she taught me was that things are "real" when they are written down. That means that you should write things down that you want to achieve so you don't forget that they are important to you. This can apply to everything from goals to shopping lists (have you ever gone to the grocery store without a list?). So here I am writing this down. I will wear this skirt on Saturday August 18th at 7pm to our annual company awards gala in Toronto. See you there!
P.S. Today was a pretty good day nutritionally...what do you think?
7am greek yogurt, raspberries & nuts, coffee
11am rice crackers and natural peanut butter, green tea
1pm chicken, apple, lara bar, water
6pm belly shake (spinach, broccoli, cucumber, grapes, protein, veggie greens)
8pm salmon, asparagus & rice, glass of red wine
Next up on my reading list? Watch out Target Outfit. I am coming for you!!!!
Happy Reading,
The Target Outfit

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