Self Expression Magazine

The Time Traveler's Wife

Posted on the 15 February 2012 by Ourlittlecorner @ourcornerblog

I just watched The Time Traveler's Wife for the first time. If you've watched it I'd love to know what you thought about it.
I like both main actors quite a bit but as far as the story goes I thought it was incredibly ridiculous for several reasons:
A) If Henry is such a time traveler how come he never appears to his wife as a young child or teenager? He started time traveling at age 5, right? So why doesn't he ever appear to his wife before the age of {what seems to be} early to mid 30's?
B) It seems really inconsistent that he normally just disappears to reappear somewhere else yet on a couple occasions he {and his daughter} appear in the same locations, at the same time, yet at different ages.
C) If the daughter was time traveling before she was born how was she still in the womb? Shouldn't she disappear from the belly for awhile while she reappeared somewhere else as a ten-year-old? She was also appearing in time travel before she was conceived.
D) Why did he continue to time travel after he was dead? Shouldn't it stop with his death?
And there were other reasons that the movie seemed to not flow very well. It seems like the writers got so confused with the time traveling that they couldn't even keep up with his goings and comings. I think the general idea is a good story but it could have been told and portrayed much better.

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