Diaries Magazine

The Tonsillitis Curse

Posted on the 11 November 2013 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

I think we are cursed to have tonsillitis. The twins have had it off and on all year and of course they have it again. I know some people are more prone to it than others and I think that is true with us.

I don’t have my tonsils and they were removed when I was three. Hubby does not have his and they were taken out when he was about five. The kids grandad on hubby’s side does not have his, and my Nana the kids GG (Great Grandmother) does not have hers. So maybe it is genetic that we cannot deal with infections with the tonsils.

So I think the genes are stacked against the twins and they have lost out in the lottery of who can deal with tonsil infections and those that cannot.

If you look at it from a hereditary perspective, I brought 50% of the genes that cannot deal with infections with tonsils and hubby had the missing 50% that still cannot help with infections with tonsils. So that gives the kids 100% capacity to get sick at anything that is thrown at the poor tonsil. I say poor as it is constantly getting sick!

I don’t know why I say poor tonsils, it should be more like poor kids or poor mummy! Mummy has to deal with looking after the sick and unhappy and still try not to get sick herself. This is a hard battle to face and to slog it out without getting hit from disease is even harder. More times than I would like to count I have been ill! This year has been a slog in the battle fields of the evil tonsillitis! I don’t want it to rear its ugly head here ever again.

So in an effort to rid the house and part of the planet of sickness, I have booked the twins in to see a specialist. An ear, nose and throat specialist.  It was not one doctors surgery that has recommended they have their tonsils out, it has been two. The appointment is in December and keen to see what this expert has to say. Crossing fingers he can work his magic and make kids well and they will never suffer the repeated abuse this tonsillitis dishes out!

Have you been a slave to tonsillitis? Do your kids repeatly get sick? Do you find that you are getting ill as well? I do hope that the doctor says that kids are candiates to get their tonsils out, and if so he can do them both at the same time. I am worried that one will freak out while waiting for the other and then not want to do it. From my perspective and theirs best to have it all done at the same time. Not sure on how that would work from the doctors and hosptials end but will see what the outcome of the appontment in December is.
Have your kids had their tonsils removed? Has it helped them? Have they been much better without them? Let me know.

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