This here is 3 years' worth of blogging mistake and success, trial and error, win and...just EPIC fail, all narrowed down into the things that have really helped me make this work.

What it is: social media (in 140 characters)
Use: promotion of blog and brand, and connecting with other bloggers
2. Google +
What it is: social media (From Google, so search-friendly)
Use: promotion of blog and brand, and connecting with other bloggers
3. Pinterest (incl. hover buttons)
What it is: social media (photo-based, and 80% women)
Use: promotion of blog and brand, and connecting with other bloggers as well as a fantastic source for blogging tips and tricks, use hover buttons over post images to make them easier to share
4. Buffer
What it is: social media management
Use: schedule tweets and posts, analyze success of certain types of campaigns, manage sharing
5. Amazon Affiliates Program
What it is: an affiliate program
Use: By using affiliate links to items you are promoting, you make a commission when someone buys by clicking through from your site
6. ShareASale
What it is: affiliate program (multiple companies)
Use: By using affiliate links to items you are promoting, you make a commission when someone buys by clicking through from your site
What it is: a marketplace for sponsors and bloggers
Use: a way for sponsors and bloggers to connect, bloggers can earn money for various sharing activities for sponsors--blog posts, tweets, etc
8. Bitly
What it is: a link-shortener
Use: shortening your links makes sharing, especially on Twitter, much easier and much easier on the eyes
9. Hello Bar
What it is: a plugin for a "subscribe" bar at the top of the page
Use: a prominent but gentle way to encourage readers to sign up for email updates
10. AddToAny
What it is: a plugin for social media buttons
Use: a much better way to put share buttons on each blog post than the Blogger basic setup, ShareThis is another acceptable option for this service
11. Bloglovin'
What it is: a blog directory
Use: promotion of blog and brand, and connecting with other bloggers
12. Feedly
What it is: a blog directory
Use: promotion of blog and brand, and connecting with other bloggers
13. Paintbrush for Mac
What it is: an option to Paint for Windows for those with an Apple OS
Use: simple drawings and creations for those who make cartoons on their blog
14. Blogger
What it is: a blogging platform with free hosting
Use: great for new bloggers to start out on, very user-friendly, very advertising-friendly, and free (a good idea if you aren't sure if you'll stick with it). NOTE: ideally one will switch to a self-hosted site, likely a Wordpress site, once one is serious about blogging, but some of us are scraping pennies to buy underwear and haven't saved enough to pay for self-hosting yet
15. Disqus
What it is: a comments platform
Use: simple, functional, easy to use and widespread comment platform, far superior to Blogger automatic comment form
16. Canva
What it is: design/editing program
Use: even only use of the free options can produce gorgeous infographics, promotional photos, etc
17. PicMonkey
What it is: design/editing program
Use: The best free photo editing I've seen on the internet, can take a bleh photo and make it beautiful and share-worthy
18. Rafflecopter
What it is: a giveaway plugin
Use: a user-friendly, simple, widespread and trusted platform for running giveaways
19. BlogHer
What it is: a woman-centered blog directory with standards
Use: sharing your posts on BlogHer and applying for syndication and the publishing network can be difficult and disappointing, but if you're accepted you'll be paid and rewarded with a post that gains a lot of attention
20. 20sb
What it is: a blog and forum for bloggers in their 20s
Use: primary use for me has been meeting other bloggers and making friends, but it can also be a good tool for sharing posts and ideas, getting blogging tips, and a chance to guest post on the 20sb blog
21. StumbleUpon
What it is: a site that shows you webpages you would like based on your selected interests
Use: promote blog and pages, and find other blogs and bloggers
22. Giveaway Promote
What it is: a directory for giveaways
Use: promote your giveaways here as well as your regular social media accounts for extra attention to it
Advertising Disclosure: Jill of all Trades may be compensated, at no additional cost to you, in exchange for featured placement of certain sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. She only links to items she uses herself and would promote with or without compensation.