Is it weird to say that sometimes it's hard to tell the truth? Sometimes it is much easier to make up a white lie, because you feel like it the better option. The white lie may make you look better, less selfish, less lazy... Geez, a white lie can turn you into a whole different person.
Let me give you a scenario. Your friend invites you to a bar to go dancing. You're really not interested for whatever reason. Maybe Saturdays are your pre-designated lazy day. You know you'll want to be in sweats watching Flight of the Conchords. If you say that, you kind of sound kind of lame. Maybe your friend will even be offended that you'd rather watch TV than go out with her. So what do you do? Do you make up a white lie and say "That sounds so fun, but Saturday my parents are taking me to dinner!" Or do you just say "No thanks, I want to stay home Saturday, but have a great time!"
Another scenario that may hit closer to home, is if a coworker wants to switch you shifts. Do you lie and say "I can't, it's date night tonight" or do you tell the truth and say "Sorry! I really just don't want to."
Here's the thing I usually opt for the white lie route, but I find myself just not feeling great about it afterward. My lies never hurt anyone and I always felt like they were pretty believable. I just don't want to be that girl that is always making up white lies. I want to be the girl who is okay with how I feel and okay with expressing that to others. If I want to get off early and go home, that's okay. If I want to stay home on a Saturday, that's okay. If I want to sleep afterwork, I'm not sick.. I'm lazy. No lies needed.
The past few months I've been working really hard on eliminating the white lies from my brain. They're not even an option any more. The truth must come out! Don't get me wrong, I wasn't a pathological liar. I am just work on bettering my character.
What about you, did/do you ever use white lies?