The Ultimate Guide to Procrastination!

Posted on the 19 July 2013 by Nasehamushtaq

CAUTION! This post is not for:

* Over anxious mothers who clasp their ears at the mention of anything negative that they don’t want their kids to be in touch with.

* Students who take everything very seriously and detest the aspect of humor mingling with their studies.

* For anyone who thinks that this kind of humor should not be allowed to proliferate.

And hence, we begin!

Procrastination. Who isn’t familiar with this word? According to my estimates, almost 65% of the world’s population is effectively involved in practicing this cursed habit. Heck, if we don’t, then the world would be full of highly successful people and the worth of “success” would go downhill, won’t it? I’m just saying! Or, to put it in better words, poorly justifying myself.

Well, let us not allow shame to destroy our purpose here and let me enlighten you with my personal guide to ultimate procrastination during exam preparation leave which is the best time to exercise it, in my opinion. You just can’t get enough satisfaction out of it at any other time!

So, without further ado, here are the golden pointers listed in decreasing order of severity.

1. Always start studying exactly 8 days before your final exam date.

AND WHY SO? :- Because you are most efficient during the last few days and you’ll be able to study for hours at stretch without wasting a single millisecond of your time, only taking breaks for breakfast, lunch and dinner, nothing else! Yes, bathroom breaks too, but that would be it!

2. During the preparation leave, keep your laptop on hand and download the seasons of your favorite soaps which you haven’t already watched or have watched but want to do so again- for nostalgia’s sake maybe?

ADDITIONAL TIP:- Search the internet for the latest movies belonging to the type you like and watch them too!

 3. If you are a user of Facebook, utilize your preparation leave vacations by skimming through your friends’ photo albums and checking out the stuff you might have accidently missed.

ALTERNATIVE:- You can also play your regular games like Criminal Case and move on to higher levels there. There’s no higher satisfaction than getting a raise in your police ranking at Criminal Case and free energy points along with that!

4. Ask your friends to lend you their novels so that you can read them when you’re bored.

ATTENTION: This step has to be done before the starting of your leave when you’re still attending your school/college/ unviversity.

5. At teatime, or after dinner, whenever all your family members gather and have that daily family talk, engage them in intensive gossip and conversations which will go on and on. That way, you get maximum time to laugh around and relax.

OR YOU CAN:- Text a friend, cousin or anyone who likes to talk and strike up long chats with them. This is the best time of the year to catch up with old friends and family.

6. There are some people who have strict parents who take away their cellphones, laptops, novels, etc. so that their children can study properly for exams. For such, I have an amazing tip! And that is- the old and gold- DAY DREAMING! :D

With this, I conclude my extremely informative guide with the hope that nobody will dare follow this because this will not benefit you in any way. :D Refrain from incorporating these in your lives just like I’m struggling to do so. :D Until next time then!