The Undisrupted World

Posted on the 09 January 2019 by Chhavivatwani @chhavivatwani
You show up with your
Boss attitude and that killer,
You know it is, dimpled smile of yours
To get photographed with total strangers
Why, the world is made-
Families and friends-
Through shades
In the flags of these strangers' worlds
Then why do other people shy
When you understand clearly
The reason it's important to say 'Hi'
Add something even though it's random
And makes people awkward
Look towards their own mind?
If only we'd have
Half that passion you carry
Behind those unblinking eyes
If only we would stop to give hugs
Yes, let's do it right now
Now, in this Undisrupted World
Let's show'em love
Coz if ever there was one who needed it
It was you, and I, and this colorful world.