The Unexpectedly Missing N

Posted on the 27 November 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

The Letter N has run away from my keyboard.  I don’t think I was cruel, or overburdened the letter.  I don’t feel like I type “N” more than any others– though I do know it’s one of the most prevalent in the English language.

Not photoshopped. Weird, right? Sorry about the cat hair…

The letters on my keyboard are adhered pretty well, and I’ve tried scratching the “B” for a few minutes just to see if I could wear it down– but nothing.

There’s only one reasonable explanation.

N has met another letter online and has run away to be with her.  If you look down one day, and see an extra N on your keyboard– well, tell him “hi” for me.

Tell him I wish him nothing but happiness.

Tell him I miss him.

Be good to my little N, if you find him.  He’ll be good to you.


Weekly Photo Challenge: Unexpected:



Can you think of any other reasons why my N would have disappeared? Has anything unexpected come your way recently?