The “Unfollowers”

Posted on the 10 December 2012 by Irene9583 @irene9583

I lost one blog follower last week on Google Friend Connect. And then I noticed two less likes on my facebook page, too. It sounds like I’m making such a big deal of it, am I not? Well, maybe I am. I guess it’s not supposed to be a big deal, right? Most especially for a blog like mine which isn’t actually a business blog. But I must admit that it bothers me sometimes. Sometimes it makes me wonder if I posted something offensive which made that person click unfollow or unlike. Sometimes it also makes me think that such person was probably bored with my posts, which eventually made him (her) decide not to follow me anymore. Such thoughts. I may say that these numbers on such social media platforms don't really matter that much. And that they really don't define the quality of my blog. But then I guess when you see those numbers on your blog, it becomes inevitable not to notice them and not to use them as a gauge on how well your blog is performing. Just like last week… Losing followers. People unliking my facebook page. These must be telling me something. And it was also those last couple of days when I really had to focus on work and sacrifice a little bit of my blogging time. Coincidence? So I guess the numbers getting less is indeed a reflection that the quality of my blog is declining. I’ll take it as that. No hard feelings on those who realized that my blog sucked hehe No hard feelings on myself, either, for neglecting my little blog because of work. Just a realization that the number of followers do matter somehow. At least for me. What about you? Do the number of blog followers / twitter followers / facebook page likes matter to you? Have you ever unfollowed a blog or unliked a facebook page? If you did, for what reason?