The Unorganized Pit Bull and the Case of the Missing Flip Flop....

Posted on the 14 July 2011 by Lisagooswinsmith @lisasmith4182
Dun dun dun...
I had every intention of either running or going to the gym this morning, but neither happened.  Life unfolded before the day even started.  At least I got to have my coffee first.  I also had lunch with a good friend who gave me some awesome advice.  Sometimes it's good to get a different perspective on things.  Not to mention the BLT sandwiches at Turnstile Deli are great!  I'm ruined!!
I had to swing by to visit ma and to give the staff the rest of the paper work they were needing to help pay for her hospital stay.  I go visit her daily and help with her physical therapy.  Giving her support, helps her want to walk and do things.  She has her good days and her bad days.  But, she is doing so much better than she was when she came back.  She will never be like she was when she left the states, but that's OK.  I'm just happy she's still alive.  I know I've done the right thing.  A great weight was lifted off my shoulders that day.  I will get into more of that some other time.
By the time I was headed home, it was time for dinner and my tummy was letting me know.  I met up with my wonderful husband and my lovely daughter at the store so we could all go to Lowe's together and to grab a bite to eat.  I enjoy walking through Lowe's or Home Depot with Roy.  We always have fun.  I don't know if I will ever tell you about that.  We ain't THAT close.
I will tell you what happened afterwards.  But let me back up a few days.  Roy has been chopping down trees in the front yard, large trees.  We're saving the wood, of course to burn in our home over the winter to keep us warm..... when we have a fire place built.  We're expanding, he hasn't gotten that far yet.  Gotta take the trees down first.  I told him I would help.  I offered to split the wood.  I've never done it, but I'm willing to learn.  He was willing to teach me.  So today he bought a new axe for me and showed me what I needed to do and splitting away I went.  We have a butt load of wood to split.  I could only do a few today.  Most of the logs that are dry are way to long and the rest are too fresh for me to cut.  Roy can cut through them, I can't.  You know, has something to do with that whole upper body strength thing.  I'm hoping I can get him to cut the rest of those logs shorter so I can get back out there and split some wood.  I was having some fun.
When we were all done working outside, I stepped into the house.  When you walk into the back door, there is a little area where we take off our shoes and leave them there.  In this area, we also have a bed for our pit bull, Dasher. Dasher is a strange dog.  You see, he takes our shoes for us and places them in our closets.  He doesn't chew them.  He is a good dog.  He means well.  But, he doesn't know who's shoes are who's.  So, we end up with someone else's shoes in our rooms.  Most of the time, it's only one shoe.  And well, Nicole's room looks like a closet so he just drops a shoe anywhere in her room.  Good luck ever seeing it again.
Needless to say, I just bought a pair of flip flops and wore them once, took them off and placed them in the back entrance to the house.  I went to put them on today and there was only one.  I looked everywhere for it and couldn't find it.  I then returned to collect the single flip flop and that one was MIA as well.  I don't think I laughed so hard in days.  If it were a person doing this, I would have cursed them.  Dasher sat in his bed, looking at me so innocently.  I don't know how he does this!  We've never caught him in the act.  I turned and walked back to Nicole's room and luckily I found one of the missing flip flops as soon as I walked into her room.  I assume it was the one that had just went puff.  As for the other flip flop, I have no idea where he put it.  He could have found a place that looks like a closet to him and stuck it there.  I 'm sure I'll find it in the winter, when I don't need it.  That's about it for my excitingly, boring life.