Creativity Magazine

The Veroc Saga Project Journal Entry #3

Posted on the 05 August 2011 by Jtneely @JoshuaNeely
Good evening,
Since I have an extended weekend on which to write, I have decided to take a bit more "structured" approach. Just as a forewarning there is going to be a lot of changes coming to what is already posted up on (it is private, ask for an invitation if you want one, hit contact button above, or e-mail me at [email protected], sorry for the redundancy of each post in this, but I am trying to expand my readership), and a little "lag" in new posts as I continue to write, edit, and become more organized.
As for the structured approach I am taking, I have been outlining, brainstorming, and researching both "composition" tactics and relevant topics all day. I have been thinking about this book/series for a long time now, but a lot of the order, execution, "dot-connecting," etc. is kind of missing. Even for a complete fantasy universe, I find it all very helpful. Here are some helpful links that I've been using:
For process:
Kind of excessive outlining and brainstorming tools:
And there are your favorite books, Wikipedia, and the good old fashioned news for inspiration.
Over and out,
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