Is screaming to get out.
I have been working out faithfully for the last two weeks. My arms hurt, my ass curses me every time I sit down, and actually getting up again is like someone ripping my thigh and calf muscles from my body.
That’s good right?
I have muscles in my boobs that I didn’t even know where there…you didn’t know there was muscles in your boobs did you? Trust me, there is, and they are nasty little (or big, if you are anyone else) buggers.
We won’t even get started on my stomach muscles, or how they nearly make me cry, no matter what I am doing.
Getting healthy is hard.
And painful.
But I have made a vow to myself to never go back to work as out of shape as I was last year. I nearly died, I swear. Getting into shape in a week, hard core full out 8 hours a day is never recommended. My job is pretty physical and not being in shape after sitting on the couch for two months was just plain stupid.
So this year I chose to kill myself slowly and gradually. I know I will be grateful when the time comes for me to go back to work. I feel stronger and healthier already. I am still having trouble eating properly, mostly because I am bored and keep baking stuff, which I then in turn EAT.
Balance is everything right? If I eat an apple, I should get a cookie too.
And I will just do a few more sit ups, tricking the muffin top might be an option.
I am really looking forward to spring as I always do at this time of year, I can’t wait to get back out in the yard and the fresh air, back to a schedule where I actually leave the house every day.
I have had two full days now where I haven’t left the house…in all actuality, I never even really got dressed, because having a shower and then putting clean jammies on doesn’t count.
It’s cold out there. I don’t really have anywhere to go…so it’s all good right? My house is clean, my hair is dyed, my toes are polished and my kids have cookies.
Today I upped the number of reps on my weights as well as upping the weights, so tomorrow is sketchy too, I might not be able to move, or walk without crying. Or looking like I got hit by a truck….or something. It’s hard to look like a viking when you are grimacing in pain every time you move.
I am always a work in progress…as you all know. This week it is just my physical body instead of my mind. It’s a nice change even if it does physically make me want a 20 year old body that hasn’t got any need for the pain I am putting this old one through.
And at this point, I am thankful that I can feel the burn and the pain in my boobs. It means I am alive.
That’s always a good thing.
Happy Saturday peeps xoxo