The Weekender

Posted on the 06 November 2011 by Thesecretlifeofjen

Started the weekend with Kenpo X from p90x.  At first I really didn’t like it, the whole martial arts type of moves aren’t really for me.  But when I saw the calorie burn, I was pretty happy.  24 minutes vigorous activity.  Kenpo, along with an attempted shopping trip, made for a great calorie burn 

Unfortunately the shopping trip was a complete fail.  I need a dress for a wedding next week… but the whole colour blocking trend (translated in Aussie shops = fluoro and/or garish colours) isn’t really my thing.  Plus is everything mini-mini, or is it just me 
Anyway, I did manage to pick up some Le Tan coconut oil…  30SPF.  Safe tanning – not sure there is such a thing.  But I have to admit I love being in the sun, and it’s got to be safer right?  And some moisturiser, L’Occitane, I heart you  

After that I returned home to Mr. J and poker.  He was having a casual game with friends.  I have no idea about poker     Two games, and luckily Mr. J won the second.  I expect a dinner date very soon  

Due to my mega calorie burn, I decided that it was okay to indulge in pizza on Saturday night.  Not a good idea, I overindulged.  Then of course, there were left overs to be eaten on Sunday.  And on top of that, Sunday was supposed to be a rest day… so I was pretty lazy… Went for a light walk… but after dinner my cals burned were still super low.  So, I did some cardio.  35 minutes, done and done.  Pushed my calorie burn for the day over 2000.

Not the happiest way to end the weekend… but I am starting to realise that when they say nutrition is 80%, they really mean it.

So Monday, I am going to start #NoSugarVember.  A week late, but I think that it’s time.