Self Expression Magazine

The Weekends: How Do I Love Thee, Let Me Count the Ways

Posted on the 25 March 2012 by Shauntee @shaunteebattie

The Weekends: How Do I Love Thee, Let Me Count the WaysThis past week has been a doosey for me. I was plagued with massive car repairs, insomnia, a sick baby, and a few headaches (thankful for Advil migraine). One thing that makes everything better is the weekend why?

1) I get to do whatever the hell I want without worrying about having to get up and go to work.

2) I can sleep past 7am…I’m a night crawler, which means I peak late at night!

3) I cheat on my diet…Saturday’s is a “I eat what the hell I want day”

4) I go shopping!

5) I don’t have to add, subtract, divide, or multiply…I hate math why I have a degree in accounting is beyond me but at least it gives me the tools to manage my own shit. Think 50 Cent; the man manages his own finances and money! Now that’s a “party in da club”

6) I Write!

7) I get to kick my feet up and catch up on my movies, this weekend I watched Footloose…yes I said Footloose!

8) I get to blast my music and dance with my broom while I attempt to clean. In my former life, I probably had a maid!

9) I get to laugh at the crazy antics of my family, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman a.k.a My Grandmother, Ms. Cleo the Psychic a.k.a my sister, my “I’m down for whatever” momma, my dazed and confused baby sister who will drive you to drink and my Missing in Action brother!

10) Did I mention….I Go Shopping!

11) This weekend my ass got into a size 14…at the end of 2010 I wore a size 22-24

Last but not least, I get to do video blogs! Check out my new one, I love how the freeze frame shows the most hideous expressions ever known to man!

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