Exciting News
Please welcome a new addition to our party!
This baby lamb is now just three days old! We've been having a sad problem with the sheep which currently live in the field behind my house. A band of crows have been pecking the newborn lambs quite viciously, and has made many of them blind and damaged their joints. This also makes these injured lambs a target for foxes and at risk of being abandoned by their mother's as they can't walk to feed. We've lost fourteen lambs so far this spring...We managed to rescue this little sweetheart before the farmer - erm, put him out of his misery, ahem. When we adopted him, he had horrible red marks on his neck, legs and face from where he's been pecked at. Now, I'd never heard of crows doing this before now - but according to out local farmer it's very common. My new nickname is going to be Mary, because now he's feeling a little better - he follows me around the place. We're feeding him special formula milk for the moment, but he'll be ready to start nibbling grass in 2-3 weeks!One thing we are having trouble with, is coming up with a name for him! Any suggestions? p.s - If anyone suggests 'Dinner' or 'Lambchop', I'll eat you myself. With Mint Sauce on the side.
This Week's Web BrowsingI have discovered a new blog I adore!Little Miss Careerist has lots of fantastic advice and some great image-quote which I may well feature in 'Wise Words' sometime soon!
Two of a favourite blogging-people, Zoe of Zoella and Louise of Sprinkle of Glitter, have teamed up to open an online shop called, (wait for it) Louella! I wish them the best of luck in their exciting new adventure. I bet Brangelina will shop there... Heh.That's all for now folks! I have a cute lamb to play with after all...Please stay tuned however in the coming week, because I'll be (finally) updating that gorgeous looking 'Adventures' tag right up there. We also have a guest post to look forward to and another imminent Giveawaaaay! And you all know how much I love free stuff.Have a great weekend!