The Weekly Musing// August WeekTwo

Posted on the 11 August 2012 by Accordingtoamber @sgwennu
This Week's Web Browsing
I really loved Kaelah's post on how she organises her blogging schedule as well as her work load. I've tried to get myself organised before using a pen and paper planner but have found it really hard to make it work for me. Why didn't I think of post-it notes before?! 
The Weekly Musing//  August WeekTwo
Have you seen Fiona's new blog design? Oh, how gorgeous it is. Love it. 
The Weekly Musing//  August WeekTwo
I uhh, went shopping. And bought this little beauty. Shame about the shipping charges from the US. Ouch!
Nature's Instinct Cuff-trendy fashion jewelry bracelet, unique fashion jewelry bracelet, inexpensive jewelry braceletOn The BlogLiving at home in the country-side, (where my mother doesn't have a televison) gives me a lot of time alone with my thoughts. It's a bit like having a long emotional holiday, which has been a wonderful mix of lonely and enlightening. The result; a retrospective post of Things I Wish I'd Learned Earlier. 
Latest beauty trend: drawing on your face. Not heard of it? Check out this post.

I also enthused about Samantha Avena a fair bit. She's as beautiful as her name and has the most darling pet hedgehog. If that doesn't tempt you to check out her blog, nothing will!The Weekly Musing//  August WeekTwo
This Week I HaveBeen Disappointed. You know that job in Bristol? Haven't heard a dickie-bird. Nothing. Not even the standard 'Sorry, we don't want you' letter. Madness. I have chased them a little, but still nothing. Ah well. I'm still waiting on the other job I applied for. So we shall see. Kinda throws my moving schedule off track though...

Been Planning. September is going to be pretty busy over here! Please keep your eyes peeled for lots and lots of new, richer content, and a record number of giveaways too! If you want to stay in the loop and not miss anything, then now would be the time to follow either by GFC or Bloglovin'!

Enjoying the sunshine.The lamb and a friend decided to come enjoy the sunshine too. Lamb-kins loves cuddles. Why Lamb isn't 'Sheep' yet I have no idea. Seriously, wont this kiddo have a growth spurt already?!