I really loved Kaelah's post on how she organises her blogging schedule as well as her work load. I've tried to get myself organised before using a pen and paper planner but have found it really hard to make it work for me. Why didn't I think of post-it notes before?!

Have you seen Fiona's new blog design? Oh, how gorgeous it is. Love it.

I uhh, went shopping. And bought this little beauty. Shame about the shipping charges from the US. Ouch!

Latest beauty trend: drawing on your face. Not heard of it? Check out this post.
I also enthused about Samantha Avena a fair bit. She's as beautiful as her name and has the most darling pet hedgehog. If that doesn't tempt you to check out her blog, nothing will!
This Week I HaveBeen Disappointed. You know that job in Bristol? Haven't heard a dickie-bird. Nothing. Not even the standard 'Sorry, we don't want you' letter. Madness. I have chased them a little, but still nothing. Ah well. I'm still waiting on the other job I applied for. So we shall see. Kinda throws my moving schedule off track though...
Enjoying the sunshine.