The Weekly Musing:: June Week Three

Posted on the 22 June 2012 by Accordingtoamber @sgwennu
Anyone else felt like they were drowning this week? Honestly, I seem to have found myself back at my car, soaking through more times than I'd care to remember this week. Urgh, summer already?! At least I didn't attempt any festivals this year. Disaster in the making that one...

This Week's Web Browsing...

  • I adored this watercolour dress at Sparkling Footsteps. Ideal. 
  • Good advice, exactly when I needed it as usual on A Life of Perfect Days. This one's on getting out of your own way. 
  • I warn you, if you are tired or in any way emotional - these pictures will make you cry. 
  • Decision made. I really want to meet Gillian Wearing.
  • Anyone else given up on summer? Here, start planning ahead with Primark's A/W collection. I actually really love this one.  
  • On How to Make a Rental Your Own. Wallpapered panels anyone?!

This Week I Have...Been sorting my life out! Hurrah!To cut a very long and complicated story short, I'm going to be staying at home for the next academic year. I'm been having some weird health issues over the last year or so, and all of a sudden, the umpteenth set of test results have miraculously turned up and the Doctors have decided I need an operation. It's not being scheduled urgently but I figured that I wanted to be home in case things took a turn for the worse.  Which they wont, obviously. (Full of reckless optimism, me.)image via weheartitIn the mean time, I really didn't want to waste this next year out. I want to be completely debt free, and to have actually achieved something. So I've enrolled to do some distance learning courses which I start next week. I am so thrilled that I'm going to be able to do a course and not mess up my working schedule at the same time - I actually feel a bit silly that I never considered this option before. But hey, better late than never right?!The Journal's Office in CarmarthenI've also been offered a part time internship at the Carmarthen Journal, knowing the Advertising Editor certainly has it's perks! I have no idea what I'll be doing yet, but whatever it is - it's going to be a great experience. Last but not least, it's question time!Seriously... my trusty Dell laptop is about to die a sad and painful death. It's terminal. Now, to Mac or not to Mac? Any recommendations, advice, experiences? I'd love to what your your laptop of choice is and why?Have a great weekend. fingers crossed for the weather fellow Brits!