The Weekly Musing - June WeekTwo

Posted on the 15 June 2012 by Accordingtoamber @sgwennu

imageThis Week's Web Browsing...

imageWhat I did this week...
Oh god - now you're asking. Not.A.Lot.
But then again that's not a hugely bad thing. I've been recharging my batteries, mentally, physically, creatively - ooh a whole load of -ly words. It's been well worth it, because I feel so much better for it. 
What I HAVE done however, is been shopping. Oh dear. Well, not so oh dear actually because I'm going to tell you aaall about them tomorrow, which I'm going to enjoy immensely - winwinwin
Estée is my latest find in the blogging world. I adore accents, and her Canadian one offsets her charming videos perfectly. She also does a series which I think is brilliant. I love reading beauty blogs to pick up tips and discover new products but I think that generally product reviews are the more boring thing ever. Honestly. I never read them. I skim to the bottom the read the verdict then go off in search of something more interesting. 
Essie however, does a video called 'Empties' where she quickly reviews products that she's finished on the basis of whether or not she'd buy them again or not. It's simple, it's genius and actually keeps me interested. 

Essie's Blog // On YoutubePop-Up Garden

I've enthused about Color Me Katie before now, and there's some more gorgeousness to be had over at her blog in the form of pop-up gardens! She has so many brilliant ideas and I have no idea how she pulls them off - but a flower in a mug is certainly something I can see myself signing up for. 
Perhaps in these Anthropologie ones. 

Isn't this fantastic?!

I've been listening to...
Ellie Goulding. The Script. The Pretty Reckless. My favorite song?

I just love his voice. Maybe it's the Irish? 
What have you charming people been up to this week?