The Weekly Musing: JuneWeekOne

Posted on the 08 June 2012 by Accordingtoamber @sgwennu
Have you had a lovely week? It started out pretty nice didn't it and the rain has just invaded my summer. Not happy about that at all, I have to say. One thing which I am pleased as punch about however, is that I've finally found a nail polish brand which doesn't chip horribly after one day of wear. I have a very hands on job and so I'm usually having to re-do my polish every.bloody.night. This one however, survived a full three days! Fantastic! And do you wanna know the best bit? It was only £3.50. Whole review post about that later. 

This Week I Have

  • Enjoyed some swashbuckling Pirates of the Caribbean 
  • Pondered on whether or not I want one of these. Hmm. So pretty.
  • Found my beloved Starbucks mug after unpacking some more boxes. Cup of coffee anyone?
  • Started a savings account. Oh good gosh I feel so grown up. 

This Week's Web BrowsingI can be the teary sort anyway - but I challenge anyone to read this and not shed a few. 

"Her blog moved thousands of men and women across the globe – but sadly, last month Ellie Jeffery’s story came to an end. She bravely fought cancer for three years, determined to end that she would do what doctors said was impossible: beat the disease that was threatening to end her life. But, last month and just three weeks before her wedding day to fiancé Tom Thostrup, Ellie passed away.
Ellie, a journalist who wrote for Grazia when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, became an instant internet hit when she began her frank and honest blog, ‘At 28 I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer that had spread to my lungs, liver and bones,’ she tells her readers in her first post. ‘I was given months to live by my doctor. It sounds grim but what I hope to prove in my blog is that doctors aren’t always right and that you can live a relatively normal, dare I say fabulous, life despite having cancer.’" - Grazia OnlineReading the last post, written by her fiance Tom was heartbreaking. Discovered a new favorite blog/website. Glitter Guide's 5 Things to try this Weekend caught my eye. Yes and Yes's Mini Travel Guide for Auckland NewZealand. This post just made me hungry for fish and chips to be quite honest.I loved Emily's post on How to Get Your Creative Groove BackDid you know that I'm on Pinterest? I've been having fun today updating all my boards and organising it nicely. My love of having something to fuss over has risen it's head again. Take a peek and click 'follow'? Lovely job. Here's two of my favorite new pins.On The BlogI'm still debating about getting this tattoo. I think I'm going to leave it until Christmas and see if I'm still in love with it then. Do you have any tattoos? I've been online shopping at Etsy again. Window shopping only though. A girl can wish!Something in this post caught your eye? Please comment below. Also I'd love your suggestions of what you'd like to see in next week's Weekly Musing. Have a lovely weekend!bloglovin // twitter // facebook