Self Expression Magazine

The Weekly Musing:: May WeekFour

Posted on the 25 May 2012 by Accordingtoamber @sgwennu
The Weekly Musing::  May WeekFourI cannot believe it's practically the end of May already! It's unreal how quickly a month can shoot past when life decides to happen. 
What I did.
I went to Longleat, Wiltshire.
The Weekly Musing::  May WeekFour
I bought a new summer dress, and some shoes, and another dress, and made myself bankrupt. Eeek!
I played with the lamb. I'll write a update post this week on how he's doing.
The Weekly Musing::  May WeekFour
On The Blog.
I kinda put myself out there on a limb and was honest for a day. I wrote about how I was feeling at the moment I was feeling it and told you all about my on-off relationship with Depression. It was the most terrifying post I've ever written - and the thought of it being on the internet where people I know offline could read it, well me-oh-my that's scary.
Question: Do you write keeping in mind that you work colleagues/maths tutor/possible future husband could stumble across your blog and read it - or does that not bother you?

I'm going to run around the web and shout about this a little more this week. There's a signed copy of fellow blogger Laura's new release on offer and I've collected a few more piece to add to the surprise contents of the PiP Studio bag. I'll be revealing these on Monday!
The Weekly Musing::  May WeekFour
This Week's Web Browsing
  • Wishwishwish's Carrie launched her new magazine! See the stunning launch picture and maybe preorder it here? I'm eagerly awaiting mine. 
  • I really loved this article on English Muse on making a rented place more like home. It had some fab ideas that I'd never come across before. Well worth the read. 
  • I thought The Londoner's recipe for Queenies was great! I may well try this out Saturday night ready for the Olympic Flame to pass though Carmarthen. Because that's a patriotic day too!

I also fell in love with a new blog this week. I'd come across it before, but this time something really sparked my interest and I've been ranting about it to people ever since. I follow lots and lots of fashion blogs, but this girl is the only one that's made me consider doing an outfit post. Scary stuff. Can you guess who it is? If not, they're soon to be new next 'Beautiful Blog' in the series!
Have an awesome weekend, and thank you guys for you views, comments, emails and support this week. It's meant a lot to have you on board whilst all hell breaks loose behind the scenes. 
Lots of love,
The Weekly Musing::  May WeekFour

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