The Weekly Musing: MayWeekFive

Posted on the 01 June 2012 by Accordingtoamber @sgwennu
Did anyone else notice that we had five weeks this month? I certainly did. I was skint a week earlier than usual. Not good when I'm having to roll my car to work in the mornings.This Week's Web BrowsingThis article: Five Historical Women Who Would Thrive in the 21st Century. Well worth the read. I've pledged to comment much much more on my favorite blogger's posts after reading this article by IFB. I hate that I'm steadily becoming a lurker. Love your job.On The BlogYou got to see all of my polaroid shots, and some photos of the cuteness that is The Lamb. All my button swaps went up! Eeek!Now, saving the best til last. I interviewed Charade's Megan on the return of her mighty USA trip. It's awesome - go read it. Please?Fifty Follower Giveaway ResultsFirstly, I'd like to thank each and every one of you reading this, for following my blog, commenting or just for clicking on that link which brought you here. The giveaway was to thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to read my blog. It makes my day when I get comments on my posts - so really, thank you. I picked two people at random from among the entries using a random number generator, as you do.So, the winner of the signed copy of Eighteen Kisses is Marielley!And the winner of the PiP studio make-up bag is Caroline from Glasgow!I'm really quite sad there couldn't be more than one winner, I felt heartbroken that I could only surprise two of you. But maybe next time, eh? ;)What are you guys up to this weekend? I'm working through the jubilee sadly.