The Weiner Scandal…

Posted on the 02 June 2011 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

Have we really come to this???

There is a scandal all over the internet and tv about the Anthony Weiner debacle.

My first question is this…and please if you are a man feel free to voice your opinion…why do men feel that we NEED to see their penis?

I mean it’s one thing if we ASK to see it, but I can’t count the amount of times I have been sent penis pictures I never asked for. Like when I was internet dating…

Dude I haven’t even seen your face for real, why the hell would I want to see your freaking penis? Do you expect I am going to reciprocate and send you a boob picture right away? You will be sadly disappointed I am afraid, and by this I mean that you aren’t getting a picture, not that you would be disappointed if I sent you one…

Is it that you are insecure in your penis size and need to PROVE to us that you even have one? Because just so you know, the general population of women don’t care how big your penis is, most of you are pretty much average…so sending a picture isn’t really necessary.

If I haven’t even met you and then eventually slept with you in real life there is absolutely a zero percent chance you are going to see my private bits in a blurry cell phone picture. It isn’t going to do me any justice…just saying.

So back to Mr. Weiner.

Because it is just too funny to not comment on it. The way he has dealt with the alleged penis picture, be it his or not, hasn’t been very convincing to me, or to anyone else.

He is basically saying, well ya, there are pictures of my penis OUT there, for sure…but I am not gonna say out loud that this picture is my penis…

Honey, just own it. You look like a total jackass pretending that you don’t know what your penis looks like, because if you don’t know…

It’s time to pick up the pieces and maybe just move on from it, because denying it is just prolonging the inevitable that you will have to own you were sending pictures of your dick to young girls on twitter…it will only get worse.

The truth of the world right now, is that there are millions of penis, boob and vagina pictures all over the place. You aren’t special, it’s probably not that spectacular.

It’s a penis, if you have seen one, you have pretty much seen them all. Right?

Why are we giving this the time of day? It’s not like he got a blowjob under the table during a press conference or something is it? I mean that would be worth talking about…

So let’s move on people, there is nothing to see here, well nothing that you haven’t seen a hundred times before anyways…