Diaries Magazine

The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016

Posted on the 22 January 2016 by Rodeomurrays4 @RodeoMurrays4
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016To say Denver Market was a blast would a huge understatement - Brady and I both had a wonderful time, and we are so grateful for the experience! It was nice for us to be there together, if only for a few days. Brady went down early for his Montana Silversmiths meetings and whatnot, and for the second year in a row, he was honored with the Sales Person of the Year Award and Buckle. We are so proud of him! He was shocked, because he didn't think it was possible to win it two years in a row, but he is more than deserving. He works so hard and gives everything he has to Montana Silversmiths. His family is, needless to say, super proud of him!The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016The first morning I was there, we ran into Katherine Merck, Miss Rodeo America 2016, right as we walked in the door. We met her last year in the Montana booth, and she remembered us both. She is such a class act!
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016Just a few minutes later, we got to see her live buckle presentation at the Montana Silversmiths booth, which was super cool. And then I got another picture of her and Brady, the two "winners." I'm so proud of them both! It was a special moment. Below, she signed her picture outside the booth.
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016And then they took a picture with all the Montana reps. I had a bad angle, but you can see it was a fun and special moment. I'm so glad I got to see it!
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016Below, Brady and his very first friend from Montana Silversmiths, fellow rep Brad Tucker. Brady and Brad talk every single day, and they are the best of friends.
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016And more good people! The Canadians, Scott and Donny and then Jake, Brady and Brad. Good guys, all of them!
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016While the permanent showrooms opened up on Thursday, the temporaries, like the one I work for, Ali Dee, were setting up. Below, my adorable boss Ali Dee herself and our girl from Oklahoma, McKenzie. I had the best time with these two beauties! And our booth turned out so nice - we were in love with it!
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016After the set up was complete, I headed back up to the Montana booth for the rest of the day, and I got to hang out with these two sweethearts from Oregon, The Vergets. They own Ace Hardware and Gypsy Crossing Boutique in Newberg, Oregon. They are such fun, wonderful people, and I ran in to them a few more times over the week. They practically feel like family, now! Their store is DARLING, and they are the nicest folks you will ever meet. Brady and I love them!
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016The next morning, we took a fun little selfie before the day started.
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016I loved having breakfast with this guy! And the food was so delicious. YUMMY!
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016And WAH-LAH! Day One of our Market. Ali and McKenzie looked so darling - it was a great day! The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016That evening, Clint Corey made the drive with his beautiful wife Beverly and son Zane to Denver to see Brady and go to dinner with him. Once folks from Montana Silversmiths found out he was coming, the plans quickly changed to include everyone, and we all went out to CB Potts for a delicious dinner and a smashing good time! It was so nice for everyone to see Clint and to visit, even if it was for a short time. Best friends forever!
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016And then, the next day, Brady had to head home. So it was just me in Denver. He stopped by to tell me good bye before he left. I hated to see him go!
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016
After he left, Miss Rodeo Idaho 2016, Heather Skovard, was near our booth, and I recognized her from the pictures. This is the girl Brady helped pick when he was judging the competition last summer. She and her chaperon were so bummed they didn't get to see Brady, but it was fun for us to meet, and we had a great time visiting. And right after she left, Miss Wyoming Collegiate stopped by and asked for a picture with me. Her crown was so gorgeous - I felt like royalty just standing next to her! The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016That night, McKenzie and I went to our first ever Wrangler Party, the World Famous Get-Together at Market. Below, the Wrangler rep from Oregon, Anthony and I. I met him on the plane home from Denver Market last year. On the flight down, I followed him to baggage claim, because I had never been to the Denver airport before. Then, on the plane home, he was seated right behind me! So we started visiting, and I gave Brady his contact information, and now he is one of our dear friends! He and Brady have a big time together. Thanks to him, McKenzie and I were able to get in to the party.
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016And here we are, proof that Ali Dee was represented at the Wrangler party! I really didn't want to go, truth be told. It would have been fun with Brady there, and I'm not a drinker, so I was worried it would be a drag, but I'm super glad I went, because I had an amazing time! Below, our rep from South Dakota, Kayla, me, and McKenzie.
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016
And this lady is my IDOL! She is a Montana Silversmiths rep, also - Jo Ann. And I love her so much! I fell in love with her last year, and it was so fun to see her again. She was having a wonderful time drinking Sassy Jo's and dancing with her husband. We sent these crazy shots to Brady, who was home with the kiddos and my parents.
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016The Stock Show is going on in Denver right now, and right as McKenzie and I walked in to the hotel after the party, who should appear but Trevor Brazile himself! I was so thrilled to meet this living legend, and shared with him that one of his decorators is my sister-in-law, Cindy Craighead. It was so sweet of him to let us get a picture.
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016And then another day at Market. These two cuties did an outstanding job!
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016On Monday, I made sure to go say good bye to my favorite Canadian rep from Montana, Daryl. I said, "Let's send a selfie to Brady," and this is what he did. He's a sweetheart! Both Brady and I adore him!
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016We got this fun picture on the last day with Rodeo Quincy herself and her adorable mama. I sent as much business as I could to her booth, because her product is absolutely DARLING. I am so thrilled with my new belt and got Brailey some darling spur straps. We had a fun chat session with them and got this fun Selfie Stick picture. (I am still trying to figure out the selfie stick angle.. Need more practice!)
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016We got the booth packed up in record time and made it to the airport in a flash, only to discover you can't check in until four hours before your flight. So we made the best of it and visited until it was time to part ways. And now I miss these two!
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016
Brailey made this adorable arrangement of cupcakes for me, which is the first thing I saw when I got home. She is such a love, and she did a fantastic job on them! I was so happy to see my babies! Britt came down with a fever on Monday, so I was anxious to see how he was. He has been sick all week! Last night, we learned he has pneumonia. It was a scary evening, as he took a turn for the worse with a gushing bloody nose, dizziness, blurry vision and weakness. But he got a shot of antibiotics, which was very painful, and he is seeing the doctor today for a follow-up. Thankfully, he has been able to keep his antibiotics down, so he hopefully won't have to be hospitalized. I am so grateful to have made it home to take care of my baby! I had a fantastic time in Denver and made lasting memories, but there is just no place like home!
The WESA Denver Market Experience 2016

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