The Whole Story–Photo by Shelley Gibbs

Posted on the 05 June 2013 by Art Of Mob @artofmob

Just a stool?  Think again – read The Whole Story.

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The Photograph

The Whole Story

The story behind the photo is complex and simple all at once. In October of 2005 I had emergency surgery to save my life at the last minute possible.  I had stage 3 colon cancer.  I was 29 years old.

I underwent 6 months of absolute hell taking doses of chemo, that was worse than the cancer in many ways. Getting sick for me now means a long recovery time, more so than other people, after chemo, my body changed for good.  A round of bronchitis is 3+ weeks recovery, steroids and antibiotics, down time I don’t have.

The doctor’s stool represents my story.  I have told my story to innumerable doctors, interns and nurses, and it gets arduous.  Anytime I have to fill out a medical form or get a pill, see any doctor I’ve not yet met, I have to tell my story.  I have told it so many times to jaws dropping, eye popping faces, it has become a tale.

In the medical field, my story and survival is an anomaly.  The only reason I remember it sometimes are the scars I bear on my body.  I am blessed,  I have that unusual gift of a second chance, I can’t waste a minute, so I passionately shoot and create as much as possible.

(To read more about Shelley's journey please visit her blog.)

The Photographer

Shelley Gibbs is an artist and photographer that has lived in Detroit, D.C. and is currently lives in Southern Michigan.  She is a middle and high school art teacher and loves creating with all media, but always goes back to photography, watercolor and printmaking.  She has a degree in photography and printmaking and is starting her Master’s this summer and hopes to teach at the college level in the future.

Find Shelley:  EyeEm / Flickr