Diaries Magazine
The World At Our Fingertips : #SimpsonTravelFamily
Posted on the 15 February 2018 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairyEver since I was a child, I've always dreamed about seeing the world.
I'd spend hours pouring over books about far flung destinations, picturing myself exploring glamourous cities and even writing short stories about what adventures may be waiting for me out there in the great wide somewhere. In fact the first thing I ever wrote was a story about finding myself exploring the rainforest following a serendipitous mishap with an airplane! Quite the active imagination I had for a 5 year old, now that I come to think about it...
Unfortunately I didn't manage to get myself onto an actual airplane until I was 21...but once I did, there was no stopping me. I headed first to Venezuela where I spent two weeks exploring, then a year or so later to small town America to get a taste for true American life and culture.
Following that came trips a little closer to home...France, Amsterdam, Spain...but each time I traveled by plane, I found my anxiety getting stronger and stronger. Until eventually, I felt completely unable to fly.
Determined not to let this quash my desire to travel, I found myself endlessly scouring the web for solutions to my problem - and it wasn't long before I discovered cruising. This gave me the perfect answer to my prayers - a way to see the world without needing to get onto a plane! And that's what I did. I fell in love with the cruise lifestyle, and I think I'd have happily continued on that way.
Until my children came along.
And with them, a refreshed desire to get out there and explore free from the shackles and restrictions of fear. To show them what this world has to offer, and to see it all with them...through their eyes.
I knew I needed to face my fears and get back on an airplane again.
Last year, with the help of Easyjet's Fearless Flyer course, I did just that. I managed to conquer that awful, all-consuming fear that for 10 years had held me back from having the freedom to step on a plane and go wherever I wanted in the world.
And now, that freedom is ours again.
Last month, I took my boys on their first flight to Disneyland Paris. The look of awe and wonderment on their faces as we took to the skies was one I'll never forget.
Since the boys came along, we've tried to travel as much and as often as possible. We've tried to keep our trips varied, to show them the differences in countries and cultures.
We've enjoyed beautiful beach holidays in the Med...
Taken in and explored the stunning Norwegian Fjords...
Indulged in the finest foods and seen the sights in Italy...
And experienced the magic at Disneyland Paris...
Of course, traveling with young children is never entirely simple. There is so much to consider, so much you need to think about as a parent, so much planning involved - it's not as simple as just booking your flight and jetting off when you have little ones in tow.
As someone who takes comfort in planning every last detail of a trip, I like to know that I'm traveling with a company who truly get it. Who understand the importance of a family holiday. Who know that these are more than just holidays....that they are lifelong memories in creation and ones that require that extra attention to detail to make them run smoothly.
Simpson Travel are one such company - with over 40 years experience perfecting the art of family travel, they understand the importance of being able to put your faith in their expertise. From their hand picked villas to the comfort and reassurance of their pre-departure team who are on hand to help you finalise the last details of your trip, from arranging those all important airport extras to priority boarding (A must with little ones in tow in my experience!).
Simpson Travel also ensure that they visit each one of their properties in person so that when you speak to their travel experts, you know you're getting first hand experience and true local knowledge.
I'm so excited to get out into the world with these active, enthusiastic little ones of mine. To watch them soak up new cultures, try new cuisines, explore new places and try new things.
The three of them have been eagerly eyeing up new destinations on their new globe...and naturally with siblings, there is some disagreement! Some are keen to visit Santa in Lapland, whereas my eldest is quite keen to head to where the camels are to hitch himself a ride...but personally? I think the next destination on our list will be Greece.
Somewhere that none of us have visited before, a chance for us all to experience something new together as a family.
(I may also have spotted the Simpson Creche facilities on offer in Zakynthos and Lefkada too...because let's be honest, us adults need some down time too right?!)
Wherever we find ourselves heading to this year, one thing I'm not worried about is enjoying ourselves. We're firm believers that life is what you make it...which is why we like to throw ourselves in at the deep end when it comes to holidays and really experience everything on offer. As long as we're together, we will always have the best of times!
*This post is our entry into Simpson Travel's Family Travel Ambassador competition - wish us luck!
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