The World’s Top 10 Funniest Animals Dressed as Reindeer

Posted on the 11 December 2013 by Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10
The World’s Top 10 Funniest Animals Dressed as Reindeer

The World’s Top 10 Funniest Animals Dressed as Reindeer

If there is one animal that sums up Christmas it is the humble reindeer. From those lovable little tails to the pointy little horns they are the ultimate festive animal. But there is a reason Santa chooses reindeer’s to pull his sleigh, because they are a very strong and weather resilient animal! But this lot seems to be missing the point of that….

The World’s Top 10 Funniest Animals Dressed as Reindeer

BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Facts About Reindeer

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Hamster Dressed as a Reindeer

Hamster Dressed as a Reindeer

10 – “I’m not just a Reindeer, I’m super Reindeer!”

FACT: The largest species of reindeer is the Finnish forest reindeer that measures approximately 240 cm in length from nose to tail.

Sea Lion Dressed as a Reindeer

Sea Lion Dressed as a Reindeer

9 – “Yes kid, Rudolph always smells of fish!”

FACT: Reindeer are very much like sniffer dogs and have a strong sense of smell. In fact it is so good they can find lichen under the snow at 60 centimeters depth!

Sheep Dressed as a Reindeer

8 – “Baa, Baa Santa have you any wool? …oh, you do!”

FACT: Remember the start of this post where I said they were a strong and weather resilient animal? Well reindeer can live quite happily and achieve their maximum speeds even when it is minus 50 degrees Celsius! In fact their bodies work better the colder it is.

Capybara Dressed as a Reindeer

7 – ” You know I make this look fab-ul-ous!”

FACT: All those reindeer’s that are pulling Santa’s sleigh are most probably female! This is because male reindeer shed their antlers at the end of the mating season in early December, but females keep them all year round.

Ferret Dressed as a Reindeer

6 – “Can Rudolph run up your trouser legs? I didn’t think so.”

FACT: During winter seasons reindeer don’t vocalize at all! In fact it is thought that they only really make their grunting, communication sounds in the first few months of childbirth, staying silent both before and after.

Pony Dressed as a Reindeer

5 – “I know we are all going through hard times, but come on!!!”

FACT: They can handle the cold with ease, but ll Canada, Scandinavia and Russia reindeer are short-haired! Rather than having thick, warm fur reindeer are covered with hollow hairs that trap in air and keep them well-insulated from the elements!

Cat Dressed as a Reindeer

4 – ”Is this the face of festive cheer?!? I sure hope you have life insurance.”

FACT: It isn’t quite take-off speed, but most reindeer’s can run at a mind-blowing 48 mph (80 km per hour), and have been known to out run cheetah’s!

Rabbit Dressed as a Reindeer

3 – “Ho, ho, ho, now put me down and drop the carrots.”

FACT: Caribou hold the record for the longest documented movements of any terrestrial mammal! They are known to travel up to a mind-blowing 3,000 miles (nearly 5,000 km) in a year!

Bird Dressed as a Reindeer

2 – “Hi! Are you are the one who asked for a cheep reindeer!”

FACT: Reindeer and Caribou are in fact the same animal! When someone calls one a reindeer it is generally referring to the domesticated variety that are herded by humans and pull sled.

Dog Dressed as a Reindeer

1 –  ”I will tell you right now, I an’t pulling nothing!!!”

FACT: Reindeer numbers have sadly dropped nearly 60 percent in the last three decades due to climate change making their natural habitat much warmer


Filed under: Christmas Top 10 Tagged: amazing, Facts, Funny