Chrystina's link up is called 1 down 1 up. The writing prompt for the link-up is to discuss the worst and best things to happen to you this week. The hashtag is #1down1up.
This weekend i definitely had a 1 down and 1 up.
1 Down
I'll start with the bad news. This weekend my cat Pinto passed away. She was actually my dad's cat. I wrote the following tribute to her online.
RIP to my dad's loyal cat Pinto. He picked her out over 14 years ago. He named her pinto after the Pinto Stallion variety of horses. He wanted her all to himself stating only he'd be allowed to feed her because she was "his cat". She remained loyal to him even after he died. She grieved for him noticeable even losing some fur.
She eventualy learned to tolerate me and my mom. Allowing us to tend to her. Acknowledging us with eye rolls and sharp meows for food that could only be translated as "food now damn it" Lol. She did allow me to put a St. Patrick's day hat on her once for my birthday and also learned to tolerate the other furry family members who came after her.
She will be missed. I'll imagine her sitting beside my dad in heaven along with Hurt getting head rubs. Back with her person. The one she picked out over 14 years ago.
RIP Pinto.
1 Up
I love dressing up. I like to put on a beautiful dress and have my hair done, kick my makeup up a notch, grab a sparkly clutch and some jewelry and head out. It just so happens that I clean up pretty well and enjoy the transformation. I also happen to like dressing up in costume. Wearing a wig and an outfit that's outside of my normal repertoire is exciting.
I think I love dressing up and dressing in costume so much because it allows me to show another side of myself. Not a hidden side just a side that I don't often have a chance to display. People tend to have a view of me that is far more conservative and shy than i truly am. I enjoy shaking that view up a bit.
This weekend i had the chance to both dress up and in costume. I was invited to a 1920s themed party. I was not sure what to wear at first but I lucked out and found a cute dress, gloves, a head band, hair clip, and wig to transform me into a 1920s version of myself. I even Googled1920s makeup, went heavier on the blush than normal am managed to finally get the smokey eye right. I had a great time in my ensemble and am even reconsidering my "I don't wear wigs".
I enjoyed participating in the #1Down1Up linky. It reminds us that nothing is all bad. Even when we have really bad experiences there is often something else happening that can give us a reason to smile and find some Joy.
How was your weekend? I hope it was heavy on the 1 ups and light on the 1 downs and that you were able to find some joy.